Im ready (1)

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Stella's PoV

Jumping off the rig once again after a shift full of calls, I walk back inside the firehouse wiping the sweat and sut off my forehead, the echoes of the today's emergencies still ringing in my ears as I checked my watch thankful todays shift had come to and end.

Today, marked mine and Kelly's 3rd wedding anniversary, I couldn't wait to get home not just to relax and forget about all the constant calls but to finally surprise Kelly with the special evening I had planned just for the two of us

I headed to the locker room to pack up my gear, bumping into Kelly as he comes out with his overnight bag greeting me with his warm inviting smile "'re back...was beginning to think truck had been stolen again" he says placing a soft kiss on my head as I smile and close my eyes with an exhausted sigh. "Nope, just took 27 a while to come relieve us" I tell him as I look back at him as he wipes his mouth "you need a shower, as much as I love kissing you, I much prefer to do it when it's not mixed with sweat and sut " he says chuckling as I see the sut that's now passed on around his lips.

I lift my hand up to wipe the side of his mouth, placing my hand against his cheek, Beyond the mix of exhaustion, contentedness filled my heart, despite the chaos of our jobs, we always found little ways to love and support amidst the sirens and flames.

"I'll stick around and wait for you if you want to catch a shower before we leave?" He asks me as I let my head fall back and groan "I was just going to get one at home or do I really look and smell that bad" I ask him as he scrunches his face up, I hit his shoulder as we both chuckle.

"I'm joking, you still look great to me" he says as I head towards my locker and grab my shower stuff "my only reason for wanting one at home was so you could join me..." I say turning to look at him as he takes off his bag and places it on the bench "who said I can't join you here? We've done it before" he says walking over to me.

"Yeah in the middle of the night when everyone was asleep" I tell him looking around seeing a few of 3rd shift walking around as they start their shift, I look back at Kelly as he shrugs holding onto the top of my locker door that's currently separating us giving me his suggestive eyes as he smirks

"Nope...not happening" I tell him turning away as he pokes my side "come's our anniversary after all" he whispers as he reaches up to the collar of my shirt and pulls it down exposing my neck as he moves around my locker and stands behind me as he kisses my neck.

I place my shower gel down back in my locker as I turn around to him "let me just have a quick one now...alone, to get some of this sut of me, then when we get home I'll let you give me the full wash down and maybe you can help relax me from this shift from hell I've had in that very Kelly special way" I tell him as he grins "I can work with that" he says as I turn back round and grab a towel before turning my back to him and kissing his cheek.

"I won't be long" I tell him as I head to the showers "you better not be" I hear him shout to me as I head round the corner.


When I said quick I really meant it, I only needed 5 minutes to use the water to scrub all the dirt from my skin and we made it home within the hour. "You still smell" Kelly tells me jokingly as we enter the apartment "well why don't you come help me choose which scented shower gel you want me to smell like" I tell him as I drop my bag on the floor keeping my eyes on him as I start undressing myself walking backwards towards the bathroom.

I watch him looking at me as he kicks his shoes off, I disappear out of his eyesight as I head into the bathroom starting the shower to let it heat up. I feel Kelly come behind me as I'm bent into the shower feeling the water, he unclips my bra from my back "let me help you out with that" he says as I stand back up straight and let him pull the straps down my arms as my bra hits the floor.

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