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Home definition:

The intangible feeling you get in a location, a sense of peace, joy from loved ones or an environment where everyone knows they're welcome. "Home" isn't easy to define, but you know when you're there.

This.. doesn't feel like home. In fact. I feel trapped. Why do I feel like something is wrong? It's always been something different everyday, yet I feel as if I'm stuck in some sort of loop. What does it mean for me and him? Does he.. Think about me, how I obsess over him? Do we truly know each other, despite how long our group has been together for? I don't know. But I want to know. I don't want to be left to rot again. I wont let it happen again..

I first noticed when I really began to think about how much power Circuit has. It was unusual, I didn't have those type of inputs, nor could I access things that were locked like he could. How he could forcefully close things and shut down the computer.. He wasn't a corporate programmed code like us. He was something different, but nothing executed him from the group.

But even so. I loved him. I love him.

I love his eyes, I love the way he's so analytic, I love how his tail fluffs up whenever he's embarrassed, I love everything about him.

.. Does he feel the same about me.. ?

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