///¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ . .???????????????

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I feel myself breathing heavily, gripping at my arms so hard that they were bleeding, dripping onto the room's floor. It hurt, so bad. The glitches only got worse, causing me to vomit. Why was this happening?.. I just woke up and it started happening. Stumbling back to the room, I see Circuit waiting for me, his eyes wide at my state.

"Piccasum? What.. What happened?--" He rushes towards me just before I slump over, my dizziness overtaking me. "I-.. I don't.. know.. it hurts.." I whimper to him, gripping hard onto his back to keep myself stable. He was silent, carrying me to the bed and letting me lay down, leaving a trashcan beside his side of the bed. "Just give me a moment, dear.." Circuit mumbles softly, opening up a tab of commands and whatnot. 

After moments of tapping and clicking, finally, the glitches stopped completely. Piccasum took in a sharp breath, mumbling a small "thank you" to the cat, rolling over to face him. He still had tears in his eyes from the vomiting, but he definitely sounded and looked better now. Closing the tab and laying down, he rubs the possum's head, humming softly until he had fallen asleep..

Now that he's asleep.. I wonder how that happened. Was it something I had done involuntarily? Letting out a sigh, I slipped something basic on, retreating back to the room I usually stayed in once more to do some research on the glitch..

I don't .. I don't want to hurt him.. again. 

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