Surprise Guest

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A few days have passed after y/n's first meet with blur. She has unpacked almost all of her stuff into Dave's flat and he even helped her get a tv connection in her room and a telephone connection as well, that too with her old number put in.

Dave is the ideal flatmate to have. He never makes any loud noise, it's quite literally impossible to have an argument with him, he doesn't get angry often plus he's a decent cook. No wonder, he has always been y/n's favorite cousin out of everyone.

And y/n always smirks thinking of how Dave is the first one to get a girlfriend out of all his bandmates! It makes sense.

"Good morning" Y/n rubs the sleep out of her eyes and greets Dave who's stood by the kitchen waiting to hand her breakfast.

"It's afternoon time y/n! But alright good morning" He smiles.

She rolls her eyes and stares at the clock then Dave who's holding food in the plate, "So that's lunch then-"

He nods, "Yes and it's mine!" Dave holds the plate close to him.

"You are a shit big brother!" Y/n states and she knows she doesn't mean it. Though, she storms off into her room anyways. She throws herself on the bed and lays on her stomach.

"You can order Chinese food! There's a shop down the street and I have their number in my diary" She hears Dave's voice from behind.

He walks over to her bedroom and leans against the door, "Here- call them. Order their schezwan noodles, it's the best"

Dave puts the phone number diary down on y/n's bed. She turns over and grabs it.

She flips thru the pages fo find the number, "Schezwan noodles? Isn't that some sort of expensive & fancy dish?"

"n/n (nickname) you are living with me now, don't worry about the expenses. Eat whatever you want" Dave lets her know.

She smiles, "Well thanks Dave"

"Okay now don't disturb me, I'm going to go eat dinner in my room" Dave runs away from the mushy moment.

Y/n laughs and her finger land on the number of the Chinese shop, she dials them up and orders the schezwan noodles. It's supposed to get delivered in half an hour.

She leans back into the comfort of her bed and plans to watch TV in the meantime but before she can do that, y/n hears the telephone buzz loudly. She scoffs and assumes that the restraunt got her address wrong or something.

"Hello?" She picks up the phone.

"Did you not write the address properly? It's on eve street, the flat number is 9A-"

The caller speaks over her, "Why are you telling me Dave's address? I know his address already, he's my mate."

Y/n is caught off guard, "What- who's this?" She asks.

The person on the end goes silent before replying, "Oh come on darling you're an insulting me, I was hoping you'd remember me"

Y/n now recognizes the voice of the man who is on the call. It is Damon but she has to tease him first, "Graham, is it?" She tries to hold in her laughter after saying that.

A grumpy Damon replies, "No it's me! Damon!"

"Wait- how'd you even get my number?" She asks with confusion.

He sighs, "It's embarrassing y/n, I'd rather not explain. I put in a lot of hard work to get it."

"I don't know if that's romantic or creepy" Y/n states.

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