Strange Feeling

20 2 6

Error POV:

I was watching TV in the living room of the castle with dust and killer, and horror was cooking some food for us. Well, we weren't really watching it because we were fighting over what we would watch,  because killer wanted to watch anime and dust wanted to watch a horror movie, while I just wanted to watch undernovela.

Killer: Your stupid show is in another language, why do you even like it so much?!

Error *le gasp* How dare you! the show is amazing and a beautiful piece of art where-

but the door being knocked paused me from my amazing detailed speech about undernovela and killer was already running towards it like his life depended on it. So me and dust waited for killer to come back.

Dust and Error: Who was it?

Killer: it was ink, surprisingly. Lookin for nightmare or somethin.

Error: oh, where is nightmare anyways?

Killer: Oh, nobody knows. He says its "classified information", he's so boringgggg

That didn't sit well with me for some reason. Not only the fact the ink was looking for nightmare of all people, but for some reason this particular time I feel fishy about what nightmare's doing. Eh, I'm not going to worry about it too much. If I don't have to be involved with something, then I'm not going to. Besides, If I look for nightmare I'll probably find ink also looking for nightmare and I'm done talking with ink in the time being, I already spent a good chunk of my time wasting it on ink.

Just then, horror comes out from the kitchen with the food. Which was a serving of cookies, brownies, and other varies small desserts. It was set on the table, and I reach my hand out to grab a brownie, but killer and dust shoved me out the way and got grabby like its a limited edition sale for a free ticket to paradise. I watch as they hog the food down their throats and I retract,not being able to grab anything without disgustangly touching them.

Error: you SAVAGES!

But they were too busy choking down food to be bothered by my comment. Horror sneaks up on me from behind before shh-ing me and handed me a small plate with a brownie when dust and killer weren't looking. It seems like he prepared for this to happen and I peacefully eat my brownie while they act like rabid animals. Since they are eating, I turn the TV to undernovela and I hide the remote so they can't change it. Next thing you know the only thing left on the plate that used to have tons of desserts a moment ago, was a few crumbs. Dust and killer looked up and were dissapointed to see undernovela on.

Killer: heey, no fair! We were eating!

Error: That wasn't eating, that was being a savage. Anyways, you snooz you lose. Good luck finding the remote.

Dust and killer start taking the cushions off the couch and basically making a mess looking for the remote, while I just chuckle to myself. What idiots.

Suddenly, the TV flickers to a cooking show.

Error: Hey, what happened?!

I look around and killer and dust don't have it, and I look at horror who has it and switched it to the cooking show, while glaring us down silently warning us to not try to take the remote back. I just groan and give up, figuring I can just watch it a different time. It got a bit boring so I left my plate on the table and made a portal to a random waterfall. I felt like hearing rushing water today so I sat in a part that isn't very active and listened to it, and that's when I hear strange sounds coming from a echo flower. I can't really decipher it, kinda reminds me of fatal. Hm.




Wait a minute- THAT'S FATAL. That means he's here! But why?! Ugh, never mind that- I need to get out of here! I was about to make a portal out,  then I hear running. That just made me leave faster and I went to outertale, where I know its safe. Or at least, safer. This is all very suspicious, ink looking for nightmare, and nightmare is god knows where, and fatal is in waterfall, probably doing something very inconvenient. Ugh, maybe being friends with ink wasn't a good idea. I should probably just tell him this whole "friend" thing is off.

But I don't know, his company can be nice when he isn't super annoying. But if he has anything to do with fatal, I'm calling it quits from there. He's already suspicous as it is, and hell he's probably just doing this for his own benefit. But maybe I could be wrong. Man, why am I thinking about this so much? I don't care if he's my friend, god darn it.

Just as I was thinking to myself, I suddenly hear running again, I turn my head around, and I see a blurry figure. I quickly scramble to put my glasses on, and I

[Wattpad really gave me a jump scare by deleting my book lol. I'm just thankful its back but in case it happens again, I have a copy on google docs and I also plan on posting on ao3 if you haven't read my announcements. Also I just got back from kitsune kon and I went dressed as sans, and I saw someone dressed as cross! It just surprise's me because kitsune kon is not a very popular con (as far as I'm aware) so it just made my day seeing that :D]

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