You Get Into an Argument prt 2

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"He said all that? Y/N, look, I'm pretty sure if I was in Luke's position-"

"Position? Position?! Really Ashton?! I came here to ask you for advice, and this is the shit you give me?!"

"Y/N....I'm just saying your anger can get the best of you at times. I'm not saying he was right, but he wasn't wrong-"

"Ashton. Imma be real with you right now. On the down low, why the HELL, would a white boy say stop being in the sun so much, to a black girl? Hmm?"


"Exactly! That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! So you know what?! Have fun with you little bitch, because I'm out!" I yelled.

"See?! This little stunt right here Y/N! This is why I told him not to date a black girl!" Ashton said.

I stopped at the door.

"You-Wait wait wait.....this was your idea? You told him this shit?"

"It was for his own good. Do you see yourself right now? Your acting as if you belong in a zoo."

"Well thanks Ash. Now I know your a racist little piece of shit!" I yelled.

I had tears streaming down my face.

"Ya. Now we know Ashton...."

*Hehehe Cliffhanger! Who said that to Ashton?! Btw, I luv you so much Ashton!*

Luke Hemmings Interracial Preferences/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now