Back to Hogwarts pt 2

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" The food was great Hermione", " thx Harry", " no probe",
" I miss Hogwarts", Ginny said suddenly .
There was a knock on the door . It was Neville and Luna lovegood . They were wet (cos it was raining) "come in Luna", " sorry we are wet , we couldn't buy a house so we were wondering if we could stay in ur house for a while .", " sure no problem u can stay here as long as u want ", Hermione said " oh thanks ", Neville said " sure ", Draco replied .

Suddenly upstairs they heard a sound it was coming down " wands out ", Draco said it was coming and coming " STUPEFY", harry shouted " Avada kedevra ", it said slowly ...

A/N: hope you guys liked the chapter , and guys thanks for all your support and taking me this far . And plz keep on voting /comenting you guys are the best and plz keep on liking and commenting for more great videos that I put up at the top thanks guys a special thanks to lily ( I forgot ur name / her name )
Bye guys I know this was short but I am fasting bye .

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