Chapter1: The Outbreak

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Me and Liminal walk hand in hand, its a wonderful day, so sunny out, clear sky's we're in our favorite park we always go to..A few minutes later we hear a loud siren, it blares through the area, words on the alarm as well.. "THIS IS NOT A TEST THIS IS NOT A TEST, OUTBREAK IN PLACE SEEK SHELTER" as those words repeated me and Liminal tremble a little, I remember the bunker I had made a while ago with my parents, we run over to it Liminal had then tripped on a stick, I run over to help him, I reach out my hand to help him up, he reaches back for mine..however in the distance we both see multiple weird acting people..they had yellow eyes and yellow tears and were laughing uncontrollably or just smiling, they were quickly approaching, Liminal hesitated pulling his hand back.

"Zeno, go."

My eyes widen..go?..

"LIMINAL COME ON! there's still time..!" I try to pull him up as I said those words, but he pulls away.

"If you don't leave you're not gonna have time to lock everything down!" he snaps at me slightly, I flinch but refuse, tears build up in my eyes.

"I don't wanna leave you!! I wont..!" I said desperately trying to help him but he managed to get up and shove me into the bunker he pressed the button outside of it which after he did the button sealed up and everything locked in the bunker, my eyes widen even more.

"LIMINAL!!" I yell with tears in my eyes banging on the windows which were slowly sealing up as well, the last thing I saw were the infected approaching him, he turned to them before smiling at me once more ..and that's when the window's fully closed...

*Two weeks later*

I wake up in the morning and yawn, I leave my room and raise a brow, I see my friend Nate getting his Smiler protection gear, well..that's what we call the infected, smilers.

"Nate? Where are you off to?" I mutter still half asleep.

"Just gonna go find more supply and ammo, I know we have plenty but more and more are getting infected out in the world we might need it." He nods slightly at me, I nod back.

"okay be careful, I know you have the gear but there's limits..I don't wanna lose you next, I've already lost my entire family..and Ive Lost Liminal." I mutter the last part before turning to Nate.

"So be careful,aight?" Nate nods before leaving, I check on the others on the bunks, Ive managed to save the non infected, I wanna save more since I've failed everyone else I love. I organize and fix things up around the place..6pm, I hear a knock on the door. still,confused I change first before walking over to the door, I check the window first..some figure..cant fully check since the windows cut off some of their appearance though I think Nate might had returned I was about to open the door but hearing that voice..that..familiar voice..

"Zeno~! Its meee~ Liminal~ Lemme in hun'!" I froze up almost was really him! maybe he hadn't got infected..! no..he did..he's been gone for two weeks already..I had to let it go, I respond back. "I know that's not you Liminal.. not anymore." Liminal's voice could be heard, he spoke in that whiny voice..the same one he used to use before this ..this outbreak..

"Zennnyy~...Pleaseee~..I miss you...Let me in please~..." his voice sounded desperate..what was I to do...? Just leave him..again..!? No..I had too! He's infected I got to let go already...for the sake of both of us..

"You're not Liminal anymore It won't work on me now.."
As I speak I realize just how much **I** miss him..I wanna atleast see his face once more..

I open the windows up fully and place a hand on the glass, I mutter. "I miss you too Liminal..but I know that's the infection speaking up...I know this isn't you..I wish it was..I wish this infection never took place, I wish you didn't get infected for me..I wish..we could turn back time..but we would have wanted me to stay safe no matter what." some tears build up in my eyes I can barely keep myself to look at him anymore.. And when I least expect it he places a hand over mine the only thing separating them was the glass. he speaks up.

"..Zeno..why are you cryingggg.? don't cry..its okay...Just let me in..."

I freeze up again he used a normal tone..but I know its just the infection speaking..its not him..I wanna keep telling myself..Actually..I don't want to..I **Need** to keep telling that to myself. I shake my head and slowly remove my hand from the glass, I wipe my tears away with my sleeve and turn away.

"You don't understand how much Id do just to have you back Liminal..You don't..and Im sorry..I'm so damn sorry..I don't know why you saved me..I don't deserve it..I didn't..why couldn't you just let me help you..? we could have got inside in time...Why..??" I pause realizing Im saying too much to someone who's infected..does it make a difference if its Liminal or not..? its just an infected, now playing tricks with him.. The blinds slowly start to close on there own, I hear Liminal's whiny voice again, he now bangs on the glass with his fist.

"N-No...Zenny~! don't leave me...I don't wanna be alone..." He said those words in a pleading tone..he made it sound real, I felt a pang in my heart which turned into a stabbing in my chest, I feel tears come again as I walk away..though after I leave I hear him chuckle

"Ill be back next time~..just you wait Zeno.."

this had caused a mixture of emotions..I knew he was just playing..God..why was I gonna give into the intrusive and run outside to hug Liminal as tight as I could, I wanted to hug him and never stop. I wanted to hug him so tight he'd explode..well maybe not explode..but I guess you understand what I mean...

The next day..

I patiently waited for Nate's return, he usually would be back earlier but oh well.. he did tell me he was okay at 4am over text..and I heard a knock again as soon as I thought those words to myself, I walked over to the window and checked it..It's Nate..thank God..oh..? He's with other people...those being survivors! he found survivors!! holy heck..And we both thought no one was left! I quickly opened the bunker door.

"NATE-!" I exclaim in a happy manner "YOU'RE OKAY! AND YOU FOUND SURVIVORS...!" I then pause to realizing I'm doing a bit too much.. "Eh em..I mean..yay..and you got a lot of supply..good run huh?"

Nate chuckles and shakes his head. "tsh- someones in a better've been texting me angsty stuff all night dude! but hey- everything's gonna be okay..and once we get these guys settled in I have something to tell you,aight."

I nod and help the survivors find some sleeping pods, there isn't too much..but we're glad we could save anyone..given me and Nate both lost the ones we loved most..but we're a growing..well hopefuly growing community..and this time..I wont let anything happen to Me,to Nate,to our survivors, to ..Us.

Later on, once everyone is settled, remember how Nate wanted to tell me something earlier, I waved the guests to let them get settled before walking over to the hall, Nate was there leaning against a wall, when he sees me he pushes off of it and walks over.

"So, I said I was gonna tell you listen closely, okay?" Nate's tone was stern, I nod and listen up. " "So..I may have found the location of the scientist who started all of this..alright? its a lot to take in so take a moment to process."

I pause..he found the location of...that monster..who started..all of this!? I feel my fists clench, feeling slight anger,Hate,..words cant describe how much I wanted to get revenge..but no, I don't wanna turn out like the scientist themself..I take a breath calming down before I look back at Nate.

"Alright..well I can go there tommorow--..Ill question him..and hopefully remain calm enough not to full on attack them-"

Nate just shakes his head and chuckles. " and you're want to get revenge these days Zeno..its insane- real different from how you used to be." I didn't wanna take offense I roll my eyes and huffs. "Well you became more of a smartass then you used to be- ya jerk-" I flick his forehead, he backs up feigning hurt. "Ow heyy--! you're the jerk now- I was just playin'!"

I chuckle softly..atleast he lightened the mood, Im glad for it actually.. Im glad to have my best friend left..he probally has kept me sane this entire outbreak so far.

"Alright..well we should rest up huh." I say with a yawn. Nate just agrees. "Oh yeah fo' sho I could use some rest..and since we're all stocked up I can sleep tommorow-..Heck- Im gonna sleep like a rock!" we both chuckle, I wave Nate goodbye and we walk off into our rooms.

(Okay you guys! that's the end of this part <3 Im working on more parts- hopefuly- this was somewhat entertaining to read though it most likely wasn't lol- cya In the next part!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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