10 Part 1| Telling him he cannot pleasure you|| Jean

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Coming home after a long tiring day at work, trying hard to keep my eyes open as I lazily took my shoes off

As if it wasn't enough that my job request 10/24 hours daily, but my awesome boss is asking me to stay after program too

Giving my more and more work every time, as if he is punishing me

His behavior wasn't like this towards me from the start tho, actually at first he was kind and in a way too flirty and touchy for my liking, just for me to eventually find out he wanted us to be more than worker and boss

Since I was already into a relationship of course I kindly refused his offer, trying my best not to get fired

Even after knowing about my lovely relationship with my fiancee he didn't gave up but insist more and more which at some point got me annoying with his persistent self

Thankfully after some time he finally gave up with his doings but instead he began to give me more and more work

Making me overwork everyday

He just can't accept the fact that I refused him, probably hurting his ego as a man

More than sure being surprised cause I'm loyal and won't cheat on my boyfriend with him no matter what he say or do

The thing that made me more angry was when he tried to pay me to spend a night with him

What does he think I am? A hooker?

The thought about resigning is always in my mind but I never got the guts to do so

This job is giving more than enough

And finding a new one is tough and it will take me months

I never told Jungkook about what my boss is trying to do

He would most than probably beat him up and I cannot afford him to go to jail for this useless matter and force me to leave the job saying that he earn more than enough, which is true

But I cannot let him pay for all the things we have

I want to help in this household with money too and it would be unfair

Its enough that he is exactly like me

Stressed and tired from work

The thought about me being jobless and him to have to pay for everything would bring him more stress on his shoulders even tho he will never say it out loud

Since I'm stressed and frustrated 24/7 all I want is a relief, a sexual one

The only problem is that Jungkook don't seem on the same line as I am

For some weeks now he is always declining my needs

I'm getting more and more $€£ual frustrated day by day

But never in a million of years I would ever think about letting another man pleasuring me

In fact I don't think anyone else could do it like he does

Jungkook was, is and will always be more than enough for me

All I have to so is to push him to his limits

So that I can finally have what I have been craving for

After getting a shower I went to our bedroom, seeing my fiancee on his bed, scrolling through his phone, not acknowledging yet my existence

Too blind to see the needy woman in front of him for him

"Boo" I said as I went to him before slowly hovering above him

Now my body on his as my head was closer to his

He hummed in response as he kissed my head softly making me smile a bit at his small affection towards me

I put my head on his shoulder, my nose touching his neck as I deeply inhaled his manly sent

Rubbing the tip of my nose on his soft, milky skin before kissing it slowly with sloppy kisses

"Don't you want to do something tonight?"

He known about what I was talking about as I could see him rolling his eyes a bit at me before bitter answering

"I'm not in the mood for that now, yn"

The uninterested in his voice could be heard

So here I was

Practically begging him to have his way with me and he? Not even caring

I tried one more time before loosing my $*!t

Getting off of him in a hardish manier as I finally caught his attention

"You know what? F.I.N.E! You cannot even pleasure me like a real man would do anyways!"

The rage in my voice could be head as I made my way to the guests room

Not wanting to sleep in the same room or bed as him

Walking through the hall as I was cursing him slightly wanting nothing more but to punch the pillow when I will arrive in the bedroom

My plans changed when I felt a hand grabbing my wrist pushing me hardish against the wall

Tripping me between his muscular arms

His hand got its way to my neck as he softly choked me

His body closer to mine, his eyes showing nothing but pure anger

His breath on my face as I felt his hand tightly on my neck making it a bit hard for me to breathe properly

Clenched jaw line, serious face, dark orbs

Yep I will get it tonight

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