Snuff and Puff's Adventure

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Disclaimer: Written by an 11 year old. Read at your own risk. Based off two matching stuffed animals my bestie and I have.

Puff and Snuff were once majestic, magical creatures,(dragons) but after thousands of years of being hunted and chased, had grown bitter in their old age. However, they had one last hope. 

The almost-forgotten Fountain of Youth and Perseverance. 

With their last wish to be to drink from it, they set out for their hopefully not last journey. (Although, Snuff supposed, it all went to plan it wouldn't be their last wish). Unknown to them at the time, a couple nearby travelers were also looking for the fountain.

After they had flown for miles and miles, it felt like their wings were about to give out, Puff especially. On top of that, Puff already had an injured foot, and all this flying was not helping. Meanwhile, the nearby travelers were discussing whether to reveal themselves to the dragons. Eventually, they decided that it would do more harm than help and that they would reveal themselves later.

 After their lengthy rest, through the skies they continued. Up and up and up they rose, never quite reaching their destination.

Finally, after their long, long trek through the skies, they reached the end of their journey. When Puff and Snuff finally drank from the fountain, they instantly were surrounded by a bright white light, engulfing their entire bodies. 

When the glow finally faded, their old colors had returned! No longer were they old and feeble, but instead young and spry.

 All of a sudden, out came the two travelers! When at first Snuff and Puff shied away from the humans, since they had been hunted by them their whole lives, they quickly realized that these humans were not like the ones they previously feared. 

After the two humans introduced themselves as Ralph and Angelina, they revealed their intentions. What Snuff and Puff at first thought to be a devious plan, really only turned out to be a quest for belonging. 

Ralph and Angelina had been shunned from their village, and were only allowed to return if they returned with one dragon scale. Since all of Snuff and Puff's old scales had been shed when they drank from the fountain, they gladly allowed the travelers to harvest from their bountiful amount of shed scales. 

As the two dragons set off home-bound after making the humans promise not to reveal the fountains location, they decided, maybe, just maybe, some humans aren't that bad.

Word Count: 405

Our assignment was to use as many transition words as possible. I won. If someone want to see Puff, who's my dragon, I might show a picture sometime.

                                         Signing Off,


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