Forth Chapter:The proposal

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Hello lovely reader how are you ?
Well I hope you are fine because this is my longest Chapter (for now).Enjoy!!!
From :Soootttrrraaahhhh
Ely's pov:
The Prince Alex was standing in our fricking living room and I embarrassed myself really bad?
Well you may think it couldn't get worse but trust me it did get so much worse I couldn't even imagine how bad it could get.
Prince Alex responded at my question:Oh my,Oh my why did you get so red ??Don't be embarrassed I don't care about your reputation though I want to present you a proposal."And then he just smirked.

Wait a minute did he just make fun of me and my reputation?? Like boy would you not also be embarrassed,like??This boy has some nerve and what kind of proposal does he have in store?Did he really think I would accept it?Hahahahha that's so funny he really is delusional like the rumours had told everyone.
Then Eli announced to him rudely:"Well whatever your proposal is the answer is no .Like sir do you really think I will accept it after you made a rude comment about me and you also came not announced to our house .Like isn't that insulting to our family??Why would I ,with a very bad history with your family,accept a proposal from the soon to be king?That's so delusional."
But the Prince came back where it hurts the most with a bargain :"What if I payed you 10..?
Then Ely cut him off and said"If you think 10.000 Euro is enough to buy me you are very wrong."Like who does the Prince think he is ??
But the Prince continued:"Well firstly mind your manners and like I said I would pay you 10 million euros not 10 thousand.Like we aren't that cheap."
"But still that's not..wait a minute 10 million euros?But still..."
But the Prince didn't take a no for an answer:"Well okay my last offer:I pay you 100 million euro and you and your family will be rewarded with a prestigious Titel.Take it or  you will be asked to live England ."
Wait a damn minute like who does he think he is to threat my family.But the money is so gooooooddddddd.
"Okay but maybe you could add a small 0 behind the 100 million euros and make it 1 billion?Like don't you think that's a more beautiful number??"I flutter my eyelashes beautifully and slowly .
The Prince got by the minute angrier."Mrs.Ely don't play with me .Take it or leave it."
Like don't get at me angry sir but it was worth trying.
"Okay dude .I will settle for you less and accept "Ladies you got to make him feel bad like a douchbag and I continued "But wait what is even the proposal??"
"Well the proposal is ....."
Just say it dude he is more slowly than a snail .
" You need to act like you are my fiancee so I don't become the King"
"A what???"
I was so speechless and I always had to say something.
"Well it is getting late .I'm afraid I need to be on my way to the palace .Please think it throughly because it can cause a very bad reputation to your family and more disappointing if your family finds out it's all your fault and we don't want that do we?"He looked at me eyes deeply and scary and let me tell you I kind of was scared.But how dare he threaten me with my family?Who does he thing he is afar the fact he is going to be a king?
But Alex cut me off :"You have three days to answer me .Well mrs.Ely I wish you a nice evening"
How kindly of him after dropping the bombshells at me.
And then he left me alone in the living room with my thoughts.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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