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"Woah, what the fuck is that?"

*3 hours earlier*

"Dude, Kenny, you can't take money from the bank and call it a 'robbery,' that's not how Monopoly works." Stan said, looking at the blonde kid in front of him.

"Shut up Stan, stop nagging on Kenny because he's poor. Do you hate poor people Stan?" Cartman asked, trying to make Stan look stupid.

"Shut up fatass." Stan said back.

"Guys, stop. It's a game of Monopoly, for fuck's sake." Kyle said, standing up from his spot on Stan's floor. They had been playing Monopoly for the better part of two hours, and were all at their wits' end.

"Kyle's right, we should do something else." Stan agreed.

"Oh yeah Stan, do whatever your gay little Jew boyfriend says!" Cartman spat. Kenny smacked him hard upside the head, earning a whiny yelp from the brunette.

"The rain doesn't look like it's going anywhere soon, though. We're locked in here for a little while." Stan said, peering out his bedroom window. Hard raindrops clattered against the glass, making a pattering sound.

"We could watch some TV? I think the rain will let up around 3, that's what my dad said yesterday." Kyle suggested. The boys agreed, heading downstairs to the Marsh's living room. Stan's parents were out of town and Shelley was at a friend's, so the boys had free range of the house.

Stan switched on the TV, the local news station playing automatically. A reporter was on screen, the news of a recent crime flashing across the bulletin at the bottom of the screen. The boys were immediately fixated on the screen, wondering what could have happened in their little town.

"Breaking News: a young woman is missing here in South Park. Authorities are asking all willing persons to join the search party for Jenny Simmons, a 17-year-old girl from South Park highschool. Authorities are asking that any information regarding the girl's disappearance to be phoned in to the following number: (248)-434-5508. Here are words from Jenny's parents." The reporter said. The camera panned to a middle-aged man and woman. The woman looked distraught, her hair slightly disheveled as she held a wad of tissues in her clasped hands. The man looked solemn, like he had lost all the light in his life overnight.

"Please, please help us find our daughter. She's our whole world, our miracle. Please help us get her back." The woman said, desperation clinging to her every word.

"Jenny, sweetheart, if you're out there, we love you and we're trying to find you. Please come home." The man said, sounding as though he was more upset than he would let the world see.

The camera panned back to the news reporter from earlier.

"Those were words from James and Jocelyn Simmons, Jenny Simmons' parents. Please, if anyone watching at home has any information about Jenny's whereabouts, please call our hotline at (248)-434-5508. Help us find Jenny Simmons." The reporter said.

Stan switched off the TV and the boys sat in silence for a moment, taking in what they had just watched.

"Jenny's in my art class. She's really good." Stan said. He couldn't grasp the thought of someone just disappearing like that, especially not someone they knew.

"I can't believe it. We've known Jenny since first grade, and she's just gone? Vanished? I don't believe it." Kyle said, standing up and crossing to the large window at the end of the room. He stared out of it, like he was willing God to magically place the missing Jenny at the end of Stan's driveway.

"Should we go help look for her? We're more than able, we have my car." Stan suggested.

"It's still raining, do you think we'd be much help?" Kyle asked, turning back to the rest of the boys.

"It can't hurt. And besides, we know what she looks like, we see her every single day." Stan said. Kenny nodded in agreement, and Cartman sat still as a statue, still unable to believe what was happening.

"Cartman? You coming with us?" Stan asked, poking the larger boy on the shoulder. Cartman jolted, breaking the trance-like state he was previously in.

"Uh, yeah, for sure. It's so weird to think about, where could she be? Where do we even start?" Cartman asked.

Stan stood up, grabbing his keys off the end table by his front door.

"I have no idea, but starting anywhere is better than starting nowhere." Stan said. The rest of the boys stumbled to get their shoes on, following Stan to his car. He started it up, the engine rumbling to life as he pulled out of the driveway recklessly.

"Woah, Stan, calm down. I'd like to live another day." Kyle said from Stan's passenger's seat. Cartman and Kenny were in the back, turned facing out the back window to look for Jenny.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm still not super comfortable behind the wheel." Stan admitted. He had only gotten his license a month prior, the last of the boys to have gotten it. He was still self conscious about being the last one, but Kyle always reassured him it was no big deal.

"It's okay dude, just keep calm and keep an eye out for Jenny, okay?" Kyle said. Stan nodded, glancing at Kyle before looking back at the road. Kyle had the number from the news report saved on his phone so he was ready if they saw anything.

"Do you guys think she would've head out past the river? Do you think they've looked that far?" Kyle asked to the group.

"That's where we'll check first. We'll start out and work our way in." Stan said, turning down the road that leads to a bridge that goes over the local river. Kyle rolled down his window to look out over the edge of the bridge, and-

"Woah, what the fuck is that?" Kyle yelled, slamming back into the car and rolling up the window. He called the number from the report and was answered immediately by a lady.

"Hello, Jenny Simmons hotline, do you have information regarding Jenny's whereabouts?" The lady asked.

"Yeah, we do. We found her."

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