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Stan screeched the car to a halt, and the boys tumbled out. Kyle ran down the embankment of the river towards the shore, stopping at the scene he saw in the car. The other boys followed close behind him.

"Holy shit!" Said Kenny, his parka muffling his words. The boys all saw what Kyle did: a woman's body, face down on a rock in the middle of the river where it ran shallow.

Kyle wasted no time. Having lived in South Park most of his life, he knew the river ran smooth and shallow in this area. He walked in, the water barely reaching the top of his calves.

"Kyle, dude, what the fuck are you doing?!" Stan yelled, panicked.

"I'm seeing if she's alive! If she's alive we can find out what happened to her. I'm not waiting for the cops to get here while she sits here and fucking dies!" Kyle yelled back, walking further towards Jenny's body. He grabbed her left wrist, pressing down to feel a pulse.

"She's got no pulse and she's not breathing. She's dead." Kyle stated, taking a step back from her body and turning around to head back to shore.

Kyle reached the shore as Stan held out his hand to help him out of the water. Kyle took it, thanking him.

"That water looks cold as shit dude, are you okay?" Stan asked the ginger.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Its colder than it looks, though. Frigid as shit." Kyle confirmed.

A horde of police officers with dogs came down from the opposite side of the bridge. A pair of officers crossed to the side the boys were on to ask them some questions.

"Hello boys. I'm Officer Whitman and this is Officer Davis. Are you the ones that called us about Jenny?" The male officer asked.

"Yeah, we are. We were driving over the bridge to try and find her and I looked out the window over the edge and...there she was" Kyle turned to look at Jenny. "I walked out to her, to see if she was alive. I couldn't find a pulse and she wasn't breathing." He said.

"Thank you for your help, boys. Could you come with us back to the station so we can ask a few more questions? We want to make sure we know everything." The female officer, Davis, asked. The boys agreed and got in the back of two police cars. Kenny and Cartman went with Officer Davis, while Stan and Kyle went with Officer Whitman.

"Hey, officer? Can we ask you a question?" Kyle asked.

"Sure, go ahead." Officer Whitman replied.

"Do you think someone killed Jenny? Like, on purpose?" Kyle asked.

Officer Whitman sighed.

"Well, boys, to tell you the truth...we don't know yet. We don't have a whole lot of evidence about this case, but your guys's discovery today will help us to figure that out. You boys were very brave to have gone out to help like you did. From me, and everyone on my team, thank you for your help." Officer Whitman replied.

"Any time, officer. We know, or I guess knew, Jenny, and we felt like it was the right thing to do." Stan said. Kyle nodded in agreement.

"You're very right, boys. I'm sorry for your loss." Officer Whitman said.

"I feel really bad for Jenny's parents. They looked so desperate for her to come home..." Stan trailed off. He could feel the tears welling up in his eyes.

𝑽𝑰𝑪𝑻𝑰𝑴𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑷𝑨𝑹𝑲Where stories live. Discover now