I'm always here for you

68 8 2

Singto's house, bedroom, 13.05. 2024, midnight

POV Singto

""Oh, P'. Thank you. It was so good of you to catch me then," - I heard Krist say, barely crossing the threshold of my own bedroom.

"Don't mention it," - I smiled at my lover lying on the bed, and the pizza box I'd come down to get took its place on the countertop.

We'll eat later, and now...

"I missed you so much," - I announced without much preamble, and then, quickly finding myself next to Perawat, who was lying staring at his phone, I reached out my hand to cover the screen.

"Hey! What are you doing? I'm watching the news..." - Krist mumbled into the kiss, which I started without announcing the battle, but after a couple seconds he started trying to take the initiative, pulling me with him.

My phone flopped somewhere. It sounded like it was on the floor, but we didn't have to worry about that, because the heat was building.

"Tuan," - the most seductive guy in this Universe breathed into my lips as the kiss ended. - "You're so..."

"So"? - I asked in a whisper, even though there was no one else in the room but us!

"The best"! - Perawat immediately exclaimed.

"Sunshine," - I couldn't hold back the tenderness that came over me.

And when have I ever been able to do that? I think this battle was lost from the start.

After all, my opponent was a ray of light in the darkness, an oasis in the desert, a breath of fresh air in a stuffy and dusty city...

You get the general idea, right?

Krist was everything to me.

"P', what are you doing up"? - I suddenly felt a rustle on my cheek, and then my gaze met his incredibly attractive brown eyes, which read a question.

Only then did I realize that when the kiss ended, I had been confused at first by the gentle tone of his Nong, and afterwards I hovered, lost in myself.

Though how one could even begin to think about Perawat while he was trying to kiss you was a riddle harder than the Sphinx.


"You know what, Turtle? Let's still eat first - this day was very tiring", - I made a constructive suggestion and suddenly got quite happy:

"Come on! I'm hungry as a wolf"!

"Hungry as a wolf? Mature wolf"? - I decided to be ironic. And there was a reason for it - coming to my place, Krist opened the closet to get some home clothes before going to the shower.

And he chose a Mickey T-shirt.

"Very mature!" - my sunshine cut me off with a twinkle in his eye, but then, with a sly smile, added snidely:

"And if you talk too much, that mature wolf will keep on eating you, okay, Khun' Singto"?

Hmm, not that the perspective of being eaten scared me that much. But there's one thing I'd like to avoid in this situation.

Namely, a loud belly rumbling in the middle of foreplay!

As practice has shown - whole three times - we just need to satisfy at least the first hunger before we start dessert!

"Okay, okay, sweetie. Let's go eat," - I said quickly, and before Krist could grab me, I was in the game chair, pulling the box toward me.

"I wish I could do that right away," - Perawat chuckled, and after about ten seconds, he was behind the back of the chair, spinning me around to face him and asking me in a velvety voice:

It's a good thing you caught meWhere stories live. Discover now