🌼| Dandelion

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When the two of you first met, he didn't like you very much. You weren't exactly new per se, a Sergeant from another unit, but you were definitely new under his command. It wasn't that he hated you. Far from it, even, but he treated all the newcomers with the bare minimum of respect.

He, as the Colonel, couldn't show favoritism, but the man had a bad habit of it anyway. He was large and intimidating, so not many people would say much about it or argue against it. All it really meant was less grunt work for his favorites, and the leftovers got pushed off onto the others. You, the well-known defiant, were tired of it, and you were going to make sure he knew it.

"Colonel! What the hell is your problem? You've got half of us out here working our asses off in this heat, but you've got ten other men doing practically whatever they want!"

Safe to say, you were pissed.

König wasn't too happy with your tone nor with how you chose to address the subject. His icy blue eyes met yours, his intimidating presence seeming to engulf the air around you; he was pissed now.

"Listen here, welpe... you're going to try that again and fix your tone because if your next words aren't an apology, you're going to regret being transferred under my command."

You, however, we're well known to never back down. You didn't care that he was bigger than you, or taller than you, or even that he was well known for being a terrifying man; he was still just another human.

"I'm not going to apologize for standing up for our right to fair treatment. You're showing clear favoritism, and I'm sick of it; we're all sick of it."

Plenty of the other men and women were now watching you stand up to König. The fact that he seemed so calm was enough to make sure nobody else spoke a word.

König grabbed you by the back of your neck, just at the base of your skull, making you wince just barely as you looked around the grounds at the soldiers watching.

"Anybody else want to question me in what's fair or not? No?"

The silence spoke volumes louder than the sound of your struggle to remove his hand from your neck.

He leaned down a bit, hissing through the fabric of his mask into your ear.

"I thought not. You will be reprimanded for insubordination. Count on that, köter."

This became your daily interactions with your Colonel. Usually, it always started with you getting frustrated over something he did or didn't do, and always ending with him giving you more work, more training, and running laps around the large base.

Needless to say, you began to hate the man more than anything.

After months of this, though, he began to view you in a different light when you took a bullet for him despite your very obvious hatred toward him. He didn't know what to feel.

For starters, he was pissed that you felt the need to risk your life for his; that wasn't your place. On the other hand, you put aside your differences and your personal feelings about him to make sure your Colonel survived.

"How are you feeling?"

It was hard to tell if he actually cared, but now that you're out of commission until further notice after being shot; the damned bullet having missed your vest altogether and going right through your shoulder.

"Better than yesterday..."

He smiled, but he wasn't sure why. He was thankful that you couldn't see it, though, not with his mask hiding all but his eyes.

"That's good, I guess. It was stupid of you to risk yourself, though. I could've handled taking a bullet better than you."

You laughed a little, and it made his heart flutter. The way your eyes crinkled when your smile reached them, the way you looked so strong even in such a vulnerable state... he knew your dynamic was going to shift, at least on his side of it.

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