The Safety Game

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Olive let out a small huff of air, swinging her legs back and forth in the air from the fallen over tree trunk that she was sitting on. Her hands were on either side of her body, bracing her so she didn't fall.

After chaos had erupted all around Percy on the beach, the young girl had silently slipped through the crowd of screaming campers and into the woods, seeking the solace of a moment of silence to herself. To try and wrap her mind about what had just occurred.

Sure, she already knew that she wasn't Sally's daughter, but she held onto the hope that maybe- just maybe- she was still Percy's sister.

Two of her classmates at school, Dakota and Carl, were half siblings. They had the same dad but different moms. Olive thought that there was a chance that she and Percy were like that- half siblings.

She guessed not.

That alone was enough to send a pang of pain straight to her heart, but as she sat on the log, surrounded by the quietness of nature, she refused to let herself cry. It felt stupid and childish, especially after Sally had already openly told her that she wasn't related to her or Percy.

Crying after everything that had already happened- after their mother had disappeared- felt wrong and selfish, even to the seven year old.

"Olive? Olive!" An all too familiar voice rang out through the stark quiet, suddenly, a pair of footsteps against the twigs and leaves on the ground accompanying the calls.

The young girl looked up just as Grover came into view, smiling slightly when his eyes locked on her form, a bit of sympathy lying in his gaze, "Come on," He spoke as he approached her, still high up on the tree.

A small frown tugged at her lips as she regarded him, "Where are we going?"

He didn't answer, instead, holding his arms out for her to jump into, which she did, allowing him to lower her onto the ground. The satyr took a hold of her hand and began leading her through the woods in the direction she knew camp to be in.

She tugged at the bottom of his shirt, trying to get his attention, "Grover, where are we going?" She questioned once more.

"To the big house," He answered, "We have to go talk to Chiron and Mr. D."

A groan escaped her as she threw her head back, beginning to drag her feet slightly as he pulled her long, "Why do I have to be there?" She whined.

"Because this involves you too." Came his reply just as they made it out of the woods and into a clearing, the house just a few yards away.

As they drew closer, Olive frowned again when she caught sight of Percy inside with the two adults. She hadn't talked to her brother since earlier that morning, when he had all but brushed her aside on his way to capture the flag when she had questioned him about what had happened the night before.

"-you will accept this quest!"

Olive flinched slightly at Dionys's yelling as she and Grover drew closer to the room.

"I won't!" The blond boy's voice was equally as raised in retaliation.

"Hey, everybody!" Grover greeted cheerfully, halting all other forms of arguments that could have taken place as he and Olive entered the room, the trio's eyes snapping to him as soon as he spoke.

"Grover, now is not the time." Chiron chastised, shaking his head slightly in disapproval.

Percy's eyes locked onto Olive, who had resorted to staring at the ground and kicking the toe of her shoe slightly at the floorboards, and his gaze softened the slightest bit. He hadn't been able to get away to see her since the game had begun, and even before that he hadn't wanted to worry her with the details of what had taken place with Clarisse and her siblings the night prior.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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