chapter four

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I'm finally updating again! I had been sick these days but now I'm feeling better so here is a little chapter, I hope I can update the next one soon, I'm excited to introduce Jun and his spokesman.

Wonwoo submerged his head underwater, the cold liquid isolating the sound of the voices around him and pricking his skin like little needles, helping him stay awake, anchored in this world.

He could hardly remember how he had gotten to the residence. He knew Mingyu must be the one who had brought him, he remembered the sound of his voice, the insistence and concern. But he didn't remember walking down the forest path to the residence, he didn't remember entering the house, or looking for Soonyoung. He could only remember his friend's hands as he led him to a cold bath.

Wonwoo was running out of air. A few seconds of peace and that's it.

However, he remained submerged until his lungs began to burn and despair took hold of him.

Jeonghan's worried face was the image that greeted him when he was back in this world.

"Are you feeling better?" his spokesman asked him.

Wonwoo nodded, accepting Soonyoung's help out of the bathroom and letting Soonyoung dry him silently. Wonwoo felt too weak to protest that extra help.

"What else have you been able to find out?" he asked, preparing for the worst.

"There is no indication of a demonic presence," Jeonghan informed him to his surprise.

"There is no?!" the prince and Soonyoung asked in unison.

Then looking at each other.
Wonwoo would recognize that form of cruelty anywhere, that was the way those demons killed people, their favorite food was eyes.

He had seen them in the palace more times than he would like to remember, you could never forget an event like that, but the attacks always left a trace of demonic energy too strong to be confused with anything else, he knew that Jeonghan was not wrong but he didn't understand how this could be possible.

"It seems like this is an impersonator," the annoying voice explained, as if he could read his thoughts.

Wonwoo jumped and covered his body as best he could, although he wasn't hiding much, something that obviously didn't go unnoticed by the general, who scanned his body slowly, marveling although he wouldn't admit it to anyone.

"May I know..." Wonwoo started, feeling the fury boiling inside him, Soonyoung took a step back, worried "What are you doing in my room, not knocking?!"

Mingyu gave him a dirty look.

"What a way to thank me for bringing you home," he protested, throwing himself into WONWOO'S BED. "Besides, I'm your fiancé, I have the right to be here, in the end at some point I'm going to see every corner of your body, the only one who shouldn't be here while you are in these conditions, is your spokesman."

He had said the last thing in such a carefree and lascivious manner, glaring at a calm Jeonghan, that Wonwoo knew he would have killed him if said spokesman hadn't stopped him.

"Kim MINGYU" he growled, furious as he tried to escape Jeonghan's arms to strangle him.

"The prince is very grateful to you," Jeonghan lied, offering him a bow. "General Kim, do you really think this is an imitator?"

At this Wonwoo stood still, he was surprised how much he cared about Mingyu's opinion on this, after all his father had been the one who had freed them from that demonic army years ago, if anyone knew about this subject it was the Kims.

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