The death

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Ever since Rambley came online at Indigo Park he has always been very helpful to anyone he met. That also includes the other mascots around him. He is usually very sweet and wouldn't use his access to all the tech in the park since his system was hooked up to the mainframe of the park for evil. But then again there was that 1 incident.

1 day he was catching up with Mollie in her area of the park. He was on the screen in Mollie's Landing Pad.

Mollie: So I've heard that you and Lloyd's relationship has improved.

Rambley sighed and rolled his eyes.

Rambley: I guess you could say that. I mean I still hate him but I have had some good times together.

Mollie giggled at what Rambley. She knew he was underplaying it since she and the others had seen him and how he interacted with Lloyd they were getting along well. Mollie had seen them talking about new ideas for the customers to be happy.

Mollie: Alright. We all know the truth about what's going on between you two.

Rambley looked at her confused.

Rambley: What are you talking about?

Mollie: You and Lloyd's relationship has improved greatly. If I didn't know I would assume you two were in love.

Rambley fell over on his screen out of pure shock. He then got back up onto his feet and looked at Mollie with a pout.

Rambley: Ugh there's nothing going on between us.

Mollie: Alright Rambley.

Rambley: So how is your plane flying?

Rambley wished to change the subject away from his and Lloyd's feelings for each other.

Mollie: I've gotten better. I've only cashed 6 times this week.

Rambley: That's great to hear. Now how-.

Before Rambley could finish his sentence a ding was heard.

Rambley: Oh I got to go, a staff member needs me.

Mollie: Alright see you later Rambley.

Rambley disappears from the screen. Mollie then turned away and headed off to go play that arcade game she had kept losing over and over again. She was excited to try and win it. She hoped this time she wouldn't lose. When she entered the area where the arcade machine was she tripped, shaking it off. She got back on her feet but then was pushed back down. She finally looked over and saw it was 1 of the employees of Indigo Park, a frown formed on her face.

Mollie: What do you want?

Staff member: Oh I've just come to make sure you remain in check.

Mollie realized what the staff member meant and began shaking and getting away but couldn't and felt the staff member push their heel into her back she cried as the staff member stepped on her and stomped on her. Mollie cried and was still trying to get away. Suddenly Rambley came back.

Rambley: Sorry I took so long Mollie. The staff really-

Rambley stopped when he saw the scene in front of him. He was shocked and appalled.

Rambley: W-W-W-What are you doing to her?!

The staff member looked over at Rambley on the screen.

Staff member: Oh hi Rambley. I'm just putting Mollie in her place.

Rambley: What do you mean putting in her place?! She hasn't done anything wrong! Stop it!

The staff member: Or what will you do? You can't do anything.

Rambley then suddenly glitched and his eyes went from purple to a bright red as the lights went out. Mollie felt the staff foot come off. The lights came back on and the staff member was gone Mollie looked over and saw Rambley rub his head.

Mollie: What did you do Rambley?

Rambley's eyes had returned to their purple color.

Rambley looked dazed. He stretched his limbs looking at Mollie.

Rambley: Huh? What did I do?

Mollie: You made that staff member disappear!

Rambley: I did?

Mollie: Yeah! Your eyes went red then the lights went off and when the lights came on they were gone

Rambley: I don't remember that happening. Well, I have to go now so bye.

Rambley went away again. Mollie was confused and didn't understand what just happened but decided not to focus on it. She did tell the other mascots about what happened they were also shocked and had no clue what was going on or why it happened.

The staff member was later found tangled in the wires of the ride Mollie Macaw's Rooftop Races no one knows how he got there. The park covered it all up to make sure the suspension wasn't raised a fake story came out about what had happened to the staff member.

Mollie believed she knew why it happened but didn't bring it up. She was now aware that there was something inside of Rambley he couldn't control a force. Mollie wasn't sure if this force was good or evil. For now, she kept her mouth closed about it.

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