An Early Morning

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The sun was just about to rise over the horizon, its growing warm colors in the night sky revealing its presence. Purples bled into the sky, with oranges, and even crimson.

The silence from the night lingered outside, but inside was an even more peaceful scene. Inside of a certain futuristic home resided Smart Beavis and Smart Butthead, asleep. It was like any other night, the two cuddled up nicely in their thick sheets and blankets. Soft, steady breathing came from both of them as they laid comfortably together.

That was until a loud thud awoke Smart Beavis. His eyes shot open, and he sat up to look around the room. He heard a groan of pain come from the floor, so he looked over the edge to see that Smart Butthead had fallen out of bed. He was clutching his stomach.

Smart Beavis threw the sheets off of himself and walked over to the other side of the bed. He knelt beside Smart Butthead, laying his hands on his arm and squeezing it lovingly. "Are you alright, Smart Butthead??"

Smart Butthead groaned again as his initial response, but he soon spat out a real verbal response. "You kicked me..."

Smart Beavis stared down at him, a very faint amused smile forming on his face after processing the situation. He quickly tried to suppress it since he could see that Smart Butthead was still in some pain. "Oh dear... apologies, stardust." He tried to be more sympathetic with the nickname.

Smart Beavis slid an arm under Smart Butthead's body and slowly got him to a sitting position. He held him close in hopes of providing some comfort.

Smart Butthead laid his shoulder on Smart Beavis' chest, able to hide the wide smirk on his face now that it was out of sight. He wrapped an arm around Smart Beavis' back, but still kept one hand on his stomach to appear as if he were still in pain.

Smart Beavis swayed him side to side slightly, just out of habit. But not before giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.

Smart Butthead soon felt himself being lifted back into bed by his boyfriend. He loved being taken care of like this.

Smart Beavis made himself comfortable by resting against the headboard of the bed. He made sure to pull Smart Butthead even closer to his body now that they were back in the warm softness of their bed.

Smart Butthead let Smart Beavis hold him, his still half-asleep mind being perfectly content with their positions. There was comfortable silence between them for the time being.

Smart Butthead eventually noticed how Smart Beavis' grip on him was loosening. "Are you still awake, Smart Beavis?" he asked quietly.

No response.

Smart Butthead waited through another beat of silence before he decided that Smart Beavis had probably fallen asleep again, like he usually did.

Smart Butthead sighed softly. He took one of Smart Beavis' hands in his own, his thumb caressing over its shape.

He started to hum faintly to himself, the sound breaking up occasionally as he tried to keep it quiet. Even though Smart Beavis couldn't hear it, he liked to hum to Smart Beavis. It was a comfort to himself more than anything.

However, the soothing noise Smart Butthead was making did not go unnoticed. Smart Beavis had woken himself up shortly after he had nodded off for a moment. Now he had the privilege to hear this, and it brought so much peace to his soul. As he listened, he swore he could recognize the tune. That same song that always seemed to be going through Smart Beavis' head whenever he heard him humming. He couldn't miss this moment for the world.

Smart Beavis remained in a fake sleeping position, also finding comfort in the way Smart Butthead held his hand. Soon, he felt his body shifting. Smart Butthead's arm was no longer wrapped around his back. He heard the sheets rustle and the bed's weight shift. Then, his body dipped but was caught by Smart Butthead's arm. His head bumped against his chest, the tune of the song becoming clearer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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