(1)summer break

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Y/T/T= your theriotype
Y/N= your name
Y/H/C= your hair color


Y/n's pov

Today was the last day of school and I decided I wanted to wear my tail to school, I don't usually go public gearing but oh well.

I zoned out doodling in my notebook until the bell range. I quickly packed up and ran out...that is until I felt a sharp tug on my backpack oh shit I thought, I turned around to see none other than Henry fucking Bowers great I'm absolutely fucked 'well hello satin I shall be meeting with you shortly' was all I could think

Henry-"where you think your going freak?"

Henry said voice dripping with venom.

Y/N- "well I was going to go get my bike and be on my marry fucking way until some Jackass stoppe-"

I was cut off by him pushing me to the ground. I get up quickly and run to the bike rack but before I could, I ran into someone, that someone being my crush...bill

Y/N- "I'm so sorry"

I say nervously, he looks at me

Bill- "i-it's okay."

He says calmly with a small smile. I look behind me to make sure Henry and his goons weren't following me...good they weren't, I let out a sigh of relief

Y/N- "I'm Y/n by the way"

I say extending my hand out to him, he shook my hand.

Bill- "I know w-were in t-t-the same art c-class"

I smiled

Y/N- "well I have to go now see 'ya later!"

And with that I ran to get my bike 'how fucking dumb am I seriously 'see 'ya later'?! I mentally yelled at myself as I rode my bike home.


W/C= 308

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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