The Secret Operation

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The air in the living room crackled with a tension Monami couldn't quite place. Her husband, Karan, sat hunched over his phone, his brows furrowed in a concentration that bordered on obsession. For days, he'd moved like a ghost, flitting between the office and their apartment, his usual playful banter replaced with clipped sentences and a distant demeanor.

Karan's birthday was a week away, and Monami had spent the last few weeks meticulously planning a grand surprise. She had envisioned a romantic getaway, a weekend filled with laughter and love. But the past few days had chipped away at her enthusiasm, leaving her with a gnawing sense of unease.

'Karan,' she began, her voice soft, 'Are you okay? You seem... different.'

He looked up, his eyes a storm of conflicting emotions. 'I'm fine, Monami. Just a bit busy with work.'

'That's what you said yesterday,' she countered, a furrow forming on her forehead. 'And the day before that.'

He sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose. 'I'm just a little stressed, that's all. The new project is demanding.'

Something in his tone, a subtle tremor, alerted Monami that something was amiss. She knew him well, knew that he wouldn't hide his anxieties from her. They had been married for five years, a bond forged in shared dreams and mutual trust.

She decided to try another tactic. 'What about your birthday? Any plans for it?'

His shoulders slumped, a flicker of guilt crossing his features. 'I'm... I'm not sure yet,' he mumbled, his gaze darting away. 'Work might be hectic.'

The lie, clumsy and transparent, stung. Karan, the man who always relished a good celebration, was suddenly avoiding the subject of his own birthday.

Monami's resolve solidified. She wouldn't let this go. This wasn't just about a birthday, it was about their relationship, about the open communication that was the bedrock of their marriage. She wouldn't let a wall of silence grow between them.

The next morning, she headed to the bustling market, a plan forming in her mind. She needed an ally, someone privy to Karan's secrets, someone who could shed light on his mysterious behavior. The perfect candidate was Barkha, Karan's sister-in-law, the widow of his elder brother, Param.

Barkha, a woman with a quiet strength and a warm smile, lived next door with their daughter, Soumya, fondly called Baby by the family. They were a source of comfort and support for Karan, especially since Param's untimely demise.

Monami rang the doorbell, a hesitant knock echoing through the hallway. Barkha opened the door, her features lighting up at the sight of Monami.

'Monami! What a surprise!'

'Hey Bhabhi,' Monami returned the smile, her voice slightly strained. 'Just wanted to check in, see how you're doing.'

'Oh, you know, just the usual chaos,' Barkha chuckled, gesturing to the living room where Baby was building a tower out of colorful blocks. 'Baby's in her imaginative phase.'

After exchanging pleasantries, Monami decided to dive in.

'Bhabhi, have you noticed anything different about Karan lately?' she asked, careful to keep her voice casual.

Barkha paused, her gaze softening. 'He does seem preoccupied. I asked him if something was wrong, but he just said he's busy at work.'

'He's been acting secretive, like he's hiding something,' Monami whispered, her worry showing. 'It's been driving me crazy.'

Barkha's expression turned concerned. 'I'm sure it's nothing, Monami. You know Karan, he can be a little... secretive, even with the best intentions.'

But Monami wasn't convinced. She needed answers. She needed to know what was going on.

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