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Captain James called the crew to order. "All right, everyone. Let's get back to our stations and prepare a transmission to Home-base. We'll need to discuss this situation with them as soon as possible." The crew filed out of the briefing room, each lost in thought about the consequences of their impending decision.

Lieutenant Commander Data, the ship's android second-in-command, floated over to James. "Captain, may I offer my assistance in gathering any additional information that might be useful in our deliberations?"

"Of course, anything you can provide would be helpful" James said, meeting the android's eyes.

"It is my duty, Captain. And my privilege." Data paused for a moment, before continuing. "Captain Epsilon mentioned that the Dominion are capable of infecting entire species. Do you believe that they could infect an artificial intelligence such as myself?"

The question caught James off guard. He hadn't considered that aspect of the threat. He paused for a moment, thinking it through. "I don't believe that Captain Epsilon would have mentioned it if they weren't confident that their technology could protect you, Data. But we should keep that in mind as we consider our options. The Dominion may not be as limited in their methods as we are."

"Agreed, Captain. I will continue to monitor developments and provide any assistance I can." Data turned and headed back to the bridge, leaving James to ponder the implications of their conversation.

Back in his ready room, James took a seat at his desk and activated the comms system. "Ensign Jenkins, please connect me with Home-base."

A few moments later, the holographic image of his superior officer, Admiral Nelson, appeared. "James, it's good to see you. I take it things are moving along with the mission parameters we discussed?"

"Yes, Admiral. We've received the data from the alien captain, and it's clear they're facing a grave threat from the Dominion. They've asked us to consider helping them in their struggle."

"That's a heavy burden to bear, James. Our leaders will want to know if you believe Omega X-231 can trust the alien's assessment of the situation."

Captain James took a deep breath. "Admiral, we have every reason to believe that Captain Epsilon and her people are being honest with us. Their data is extensive and their plea for assistance is both sincere and desperate. If we can help them stop the Dominion, it's the right thing to do."

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