chapter 1:heartbreak

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"Let's get straight to the point, no matter what I do, you don't have any feelings for me, do you?"


"The world must be upside down, Andrei. I, a woman, am the one courting you."

"It's just not the right time, Fides. I'm going to take up law, and a relationship would only be compromised if one party isn't ready yet."


"Unlike you, who have three brothers to carry on after your parents, I am the eldest. I have to take care of what my father started and my two siblings."

"Your reasoning is unclear, Andrei. I've waited, haven't I? Four years since I confessed to you... don't include the time when only I knew I liked you, it's been too long. You said we'd know in the right time."

"Fides, I never asked anything from you, there's no commitment between us."

"Okay... just answer me truthfully, so that after your answer I will know what to do."

"I cannot commit now."

"No, just answer me directly, to the point."

"You can't love me now and forever?"

"Now, I can't."

"But I love you... please love me too."


"Okay, well said. Congratulations, Andrei... Be happy, I won't be troubling you anymore. Goodbye."

Fides spoke calmly... She didn't run or anything. It seemed like nothing as she went to her car and left.

As tears welled up in Fides' eyes, she fought to keep her composure as she drove home. The weight of Andrei's words hung heavy in her heart, a painful reminder of unrequited love and shattered hopes.

Each passing mile felt like an eternity as Fides navigated through the darkened streets. Memories of happier times with Andrei flooded her mind, each one a bittersweet reminder of what could have been. She replayed their conversation over and over in her head, searching for some semblance of closure amidst the pain.

But as she wiped away her tears, a newfound resolve began to take root within her. She realized that she couldn't allow Andrei's rejection to define her happiness. She had poured her heart out to him, laid bare her feelings, and he had made his choice.

With a deep breath, Fides made a silent vow to herself. She would focus on building a life for herself, one filled with purpose, passion, and self-love. She refused to let Andrei's decision dictate her worth or her future.

As she pulled into her driveway, Fides felt a sense of peace wash over her. Though her heart still ached, she knew that this pain would eventually fade with time. And as she stepped out of her car and into the embrace of the night, she whispered a silent farewell to the love that had once consumed her.

From that moment on, Fides vowed to move forward with strength and grace, knowing that her journey was far from over. And as the stars twinkled overhead, she allowed herself to believe that someday, love would find its way back to her in the most unexpected of ways.

As Fides drove away, leaving behind the echo of her departure, Andrei stood there, his heart heavy with regret and sadness. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched her car disappear into the night, a silent witness to the love he had pushed away.

At that moment, Andrei felt a pang of guilt gnaw at his soul. He knew he had hurt Fides deeply with his words, and the thought weighed heavily on his conscience. But even amidst the turmoil of his emotions, he held fast to the promise he had made to himself—to focus on his studies, to pursue his dreams of becoming a lawyer, and to build a stable future for himself and his family.

As he wiped away his tears, Andrei took a shaky breath and squared his shoulders, steeling himself against the pain of his decision. He knew that he couldn't afford to waver now, not when so much was at stake. And though his heart longed to reach out to Fides, to beg for her forgiveness and a second chance, he knew that he had to stay true to his path.

With a heavy heart, Andrei turned away from the empty street and trudged back towards his home. Each step felt like a burden, a reminder of the love he had left behind. But even as tears continued to fall unchecked down his cheeks, he found solace in the knowledge that he was one step closer to fulfilling his promise—to himself and to the future he had always dreamed of.

And so, with resolve in his heart and tears in his eyes, Andrei set his sights on the path ahead, knowing that the road to happiness would be long and arduous, but believing that someday, somehow, he would find his way back to the love he had lost.

As Andrei returned to the crowd, he felt the weight of his decision settle heavily upon him. His mind churned with thoughts of Fides and the pain he had caused her. Yet, despite the turmoil raging within him, he knew that he had to put on a brave face for the world outside.

Forcing himself to push aside his inner turmoil, Andrei plastered on a smile as he mingled with the crowd at the event. He engaged in polite conversation, exchanging pleasantries and laughter with acquaintances and colleagues. But beneath the facade of happiness he wore, a storm of emotions raged on.

With every forced smile and hollow laugh, Andrei felt the burden of his choices grow heavier. He longed to retreat into solitude, to grapple with the whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume him. But he knew that he couldn't afford to show weakness—not now, when he had a reputation to uphold and a future to secure.

As the night wore on, Andrei found himself increasingly detached from the festivities around him. His mind drifted back to Fides, to the raw vulnerability she had shown him, and to the pain he had inflicted upon her with his words. Guilt gnawed at his conscience, a constant reminder of the love he had cast aside in pursuit of his own ambitions.

But even as his heart ached with regret, Andrei steeled himself against the tide of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He knew that he had made a choice, and that he had to live with the consequences of his actions. And so, with a heavy heart and a weary soul, he soldiered on, determined to bury his own pain beneath a facade of false happiness.

As Fides lay in bed that night, the events of the evening played over and over in her mind like a relentless echo. Despite her attempts to find solace in the comfort of her own home, sleep eluded her, her thoughts consumed by the heartbreak of Andrei's rejection.

With each passing hour, Fides tossed and turned, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. She replayed their conversation, dissecting every word, every nuance, searching for some semblance of understanding amidst the pain. But the answers eluded her, leaving behind only a hollow ache in the depths of her soul.

As the night stretched on, Fides found herself grappling with a torrent of conflicting emotions—anger, sorrow, and a deep-seated longing that refused to be ignored. She yearned for closure, for some semblance of peace to ease the turmoil raging within her heart.

But despite her best efforts to quell the storm of emotions threatening to engulf her, Fides knew that she couldn't escape the truth of her feelings. She loved Andrei with a depth and intensity that transcended words—a love that had endured despite the countless obstacles fate had thrown in their path.

And so, as the first light of dawn began to filter through the curtains, Fides made a silent vow to herself. She would face the uncertainty of the days ahead with courage and resilience, drawing strength from the depths of her own resilience. And though the road ahead remained shrouded in darkness, she refused to lose hope, knowing that with time, wounds would heal, and hearts would mend.

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