chapter 2

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"God, he really hasn't changed since we were 5 years old." I said to Mal, shaking my head in disbelief. "Yeah, try living with him 24/7." We made up the stairs and into Mal's room. I flopped down on her bed and let out a sigh. "So what's the plan for this summer? Last summer of freedom technically..." I asked Mal. "Well, the mall for sure, hopefully parties, and maybe a summer fling with some guys who are vacationing here." she says to me with a smirk. Suddenly the door to Mal's room flies open. "NOT A CHANCE IN HELL!!" Alex shouts with a frantic look on his face. "Alex, did I not tell you to stay out!?" Mal shouts back before chasing him out the door.

As I'm left alone in Mal's room, I begin to think. Why does Alex care so much about how we spend our free time this summer? I look across the room to Mal's desk, which has a cork board with photos scattered all over it. I get up from the bed to take a closer look at the memories. There's a picture of my 10th birthday, where Mal gave me a new Barbie with three different outfits so we could play together. In the background, Alex looks majorly uninterested, and has his arms crossed in a way that said "let's get out of here." Mom told me I had to invite Alex, but I never understood why. I pick up a photo of Mal, Alex and I the one time we went camping together. This was our one and only camping trip, because Mal refused to ever go again. In the picture, Mal is mid freak out because she thought a stick in her hair was a bug. I'm next to her laughing my head off while Alex...

Alex is looking at me with this certain...

"Y/N!! COME DOWNSTAIRS WE'RE ABOUT TO HAVE DINNER!" Mal shouts up the stairs. I snap out of my thoughts and I let out a groan. As much as I love the Keaton family, dinner with them kind of sucks. And guess who's responsible for that. "COMING!" I shout back. I put the pictures back and bound out of Mal's door, when I feel myself thud into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry!" I turn to see who it was and of course, it was Alex. "Jeez, watch it y/n/n!" he says. "God shut up! You know I hate it when you call me that!" I snap back. As Alex and I go downstairs, we mindlessly banter with each other. We didn't realize we entered the kitchen until we turned to the table and noticed everyone was looking at us. "What?!" We both say at the same time. We gave each other a dirty look before sitting down at opposite ends of the table.

"So how was everyone's day?" Steven asks the whole table. "Skippy and I invested in some kids lemonade stand. We're splitting profits with the kid 85-15." Alex says with a proud smirk. I roll my eyes and Alex takes notice. "Oh ok then y/n/n! What did you do today?" Alex questions. "I didn't scam little kids that's for certain. And don't call me that!" I sneer. "It wasn't scamming! They signed a contract, not my fault they don't know how to read." "Oh real nice Alex!" "C'mon, you know you love that nickname don't y-"

"UGGGGHHHH" Mal lets out a groan that gets everyone's attention. "Y/n, let's just head back upstairs." Mal says in defeat. "Y/n, are you staying the night?" Elise asks. "Yes Mrs. Keaton, if that's alright with you?" "Yes of course sweetheart." she says with a warm smile. "I'll make some popcorn for you and Mallory a little later." "That would be great Mrs Keaton!" I love Steven and Elise. They're like second parents to me. "Don't you have your own house to be living at?" Alex asks with an annoyed tone. "Don't you have a different planet to be living on?" I retort, sticking out my tongue like a child before following Mal back upstairs.

small time skip
Mal and I are in the middle of getting ready for bed. She's in her room setting up my bed on the floor while I'm in the bathroom brushing my teeth. The door to the bathroom is wide open and who walks in but... Alex. "Ugh, you're still here?" He asks. "That's how sleepovers work, bud." I say matter-of-factly. "Well hurry up I have to shower!" He whines. "Of course you are showering at this hour." "I've read it's better for your skin." He defends. At this I let out a laugh. "What? What's so funny?" "Nothing Alex. Good night." I say, leaving Alex confused.

Right before Mal puts her copy of The Outsiders into the VCR, I realize that I didn't actually use the washroom before, because Alex kicked me out. "Be right back Mal!" I say scurrying out the door. As I make it down the hall, the bathroom door is closed, so I lean on the wall and wait. I'm not waiting for long because a minute later, the door opens and I'm faced with Alex, wet messy brown hair, and nothing but a towel around his waist. "oh shit- sorry Alex uhhhhh." I begin fumbling over my words. Why am I so nervous? It's just Alex. Alex, picking up on how nervous I was, says with a smirk: "Smooth Y/n/n, smooooth." "just, just shut up!" I say with a blush. I breeze past him and shut the door.

Behind the door, I'm pacing back and forth in front of the mirror. Not again. I can't let myself do this again. I hurt myself once by liking him, I'm not gonna do it again.

Mal was sick that day, so after school I decided to visit her and make sure she was doing ok. The Keaton house practically being my second home, I walk in the door without knocking. Usually I'm greeted by someone, but the house seemed pretty quiet. I look into the living room and I see Alex sitting and watching TV with a girl. At this point, I had been grappling with the fact that I had a crush on Alex for almost 5 months. The boy who I had sworn was my enemy; I had a crush on. Seeing him with another girl really drove a nail into the coffin though, as I stormed up the stairs. I vowed; never again.

"Y/N!!! Hurry up, Patrick Swayze won't wait forever!!" Mal yells down the hall. "Coming!" I yell back, realizing everyone else in the house is probably asleep and we should not be yelling. I leave the washroom and am met with Alex, still standing outside the door with just a towel. "JESUS! What are you still standing there for?!" "I left my clothes on the floor." He points in at the pile of his clothing on the floor. "shit, sorry..." I mumble, leaving Alex very confused once again.

A/N: sorry y'all this literally sucks LMAOOOO
new update soon ig

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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