The beginning

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Our story starts with Dawn a 15-year-old girl living in a small town filled with superhumans all with different powers on her 16th birthday the town participates in a ritual that will give Dawn her powers 

oh one thing I forgot to mention  her birthday is tomorrow

Dawn was no exception. She had grown up watching her friends and neighbours gain their powers and flourish with them. Her best friend, Mia, had the power to control plants, while her older brother, Ethan, could manipulate water. Dawn had always wondered what her power would be and how it would shape her future. Her sixteenth birthday, the day she would join the ranks of the superhumans, was tomorrow.

The town buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Decorations adorned the streets, and preparations for the grand celebration were in full swing. The night before her birthday, Dawn found it hard to sleep. Thoughts raced through her mind as she imagined all the possibilities. Would she be able to fly like Mrs. Jenkins, the town baker? Or perhaps she'd inherit the power of invisibility like Mr. Carter, the librarian.

As the first light of dawn broke through her window, she got out of bed and looked at the town below. The ritual would take place at the stroke of midnight, marking the beginning of her sixteenth year. Her parents, both origins themselves, assured her that no matter what power she received, it would be perfect for her.

The day passed in a blur of well-wishes and last-minute preparations. Finally, as the sun set and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, Dawn stood in the centre of the town square, surrounded by friends, family, and townsfolk. The town elder, an ancient figure with the power of foresight, began the ritual with a series of chants and incantations.

Dawn felt a tingling sensation course through her body. The air around her shimmered with energy as the ritual reached its climax. She closed her eyes, feeling a surge of power, unlike anything she had ever experienced. When she opened them again, the world seemed different, sharper, more vivid. She took a deep breath and felt a newfound strength and clarity.

The elder approached her, a knowing smile on his face. "Dawn, you have been blessed with the power of..."

Dawn held her breath, waiting for the words that would change her life forever. As the elder approached her, a knowing smile on his face, he placed his hand on her shoulder. Dawn held her breath, waiting for the words that would change her life forever. The elder closed his eyes, sensing the energy within her, and his expression slowly shifted from serene to puzzled.

"There's... nothing," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. The crowd, initially hushed in anticipation, began to murmur in confusion.

Dawn's heart sank. "What do you mean, nothing?" she asked, her voice trembling.

The elder took a step back, his brow furrowed. "Dawn, it appears that you have not been granted a power."

A wave of disbelief washed over the crowd. Dawn's parents exchanged worried glances, and her friends looked at her with a mixture of sympathy and shock. Dawn felt as if the ground had been pulled out from under her. In a town where everyone had a power, where every person had a unique gift, she was... ordinary.

She looked around, seeing the pity in the eyes of those who had known her all her life. It was a surreal and isolating moment. Her best friend Mia stepped forward, attempting to comfort her. "Dawn, it's okay. We'll figure this out. Maybe there's a mistake."

But the elder shook his head. "There are no mistakes in the ritual. If Dawn does not have a power, then that is the truth we must accept."

The rest of the night passed in a blur. The grand celebration turned into a subdued gathering, and Dawn's parents took her home, trying to console her. She went to bed, feeling a mix of anger, sadness, and confusion. How could she not have a power? What did it mean for her future?

The next morning, Dawn woke up to a town that to her felt different. She avoided the pitying looks and the hushed whispers as she walked through the streets. Her friends tried to include her in their activities, but she felt out of place. She was different now, not because of a newfound power, but because she lacked one.

"May Dawn Williams please commence to the principal's office" the intercom stated

"Dawn I am incredibly sorry to inform you we can't have a Nulled in the town "the principal ( Nulled is the term used to refer to people that haven't been given a power )

" you will be moved to the asylum of Elaris "

the Elaris was a magical place with indigo and blue trees dark purple grass and dark gloomy skies I know what your thinking 'Doesn't sound very magical' and I agree but everything changed at nightfall the leaves of the blue trees glowed and the sky turned a mixture of blue purple and pink  strokes of light waterfalls and the once asylum is more like a mansion 

Before Dawn could even put a word out she was teleported into the asylum, dawn looked down to see her legs and hands bound to the floor with chains so she screamed as loud as she could until someone heard her, Skylar Garcia a  17-year-old girl with brown eyes blonde hair

hey yall  little backstory about the origin of this book I made it in the fifth grade in my notebook I was cleaning my room and got  sidetracked cuz I found all my old notebooks and one of them had this book in it and  I was bored so I decided to make it an actual book on Wattpad this is only chapter one so it's not the best  tell me what yall think anyways I love you always byeeee


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