Chapter 1

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Julian was calmly reading a novel in his quarters after a long day of work. It grounded him to read a random novel from Earth's history. Nothing extreme had happened during the shift of which he was grateful for. The boring shifts were never to be taken for granted. Not when other shifts were like a mad house. The door chirped and Julian called out.

'Enter.' Captain Sisko entered the room with a grave look on his face.

'Ambassador Luxanna Troi has requested your presence for a diplomatic mission to the planet of Dega 2 who is vying for membership to the Federation. Your mission will be to gather information about their medical technology and how their system of healthcare does or doesn't match up with the standards that all planets in the Federation mush adhere to.'

'Very well, Captain. I look forward to a change of pace from the Infirmary. How long do I have to prepare for this journey and how long will I be gone?'

'Ambassador Troi is coming in a week, and you will be gone for a month. The Enterprise will be the ship coming to pick the both of you up within hours of the Titan dropping Luxanna off. Best of luck, Doctor.'

Once Sisko left, Julian resisted the urge to throw something. He had not enjoyed his time with the ambassador before and had not wanted to do it again. Although, the prospect of exploring new technologies did hold some measure of appeal.

He sighed and made a mental note to pack the night before Luxanna would arrive. It wasn't like he needed a long time to pack, uniforms, underwear, and toiletries. Not exactly rocket science.

The next day, Julian received a message asking for help with a new viral strain of Thelusian flu that was more contagious than a previous strain and not responding to anti-virals being administered to the most vulnerable.

Julian cracked his knuckles and started reading all the information that they provided on the strain. It wasn't a great deal, but it was enough. He sent off a treatment plan of a different antiviral that was useful for Bajoran flu and would work better on this strain. It responded better to stop the replication of the virus itself instead of supporting the immune system to fight it off. It was such a simple problem that truly they could have solved themselves if they had taken the time to think about it. However, it did make his reputation as one of the best doctors in the Federation stronger. Julian's thoughts turned back to Sarina who was also working on trying to limit the stigma around being genetically enhanced. It would never be legal, but perhaps those who were treated as children could at least live normal lives.

Julian turned at the sound of someone walking in. It was Garak who was guiding Miles into the Infirmary, the chief had clearly dislocated his shoulder, yet again. Why Garak was helping him was up for debate.

'Chief! You hurt your shoulder, yet again?'

'Yes, Julian. I did. The canoe program was just calling my name and I had to go back.' Julian sighed and snapped the shoulder back into place. This time, he placed a sling on it. It clearly needed the extra support. Miles left and Garak remained.

'Garak, are you alright?'

'I've heard of your upcoming trip to Dega 2. I think you will find that planet hard to handle.'

'What do you mean?'

'Their standards of care for certain citizens could be better, so I've heard.'

'Duly noted, Garak. I will keep my eyes open. They are vying for Federation membership after all.' Julian wanted to ask him for specifics but knew that Garak would not say anyway.

Garak left after saying his cryptic thoughts about Dega 2. Julian continued to respond to various requests for medical help. Dax showed up briefly with a strained shoulder which was easier to treat than Miles. Soon, Miles would need some major surgery to replace the socket in his shoulder if he kept up like this.

At the end of the day, Julian walked back to his quarters pondering his life. There was something missing in his life, he came to realize. What was missing was unknown. He had fulfilling work, plenty of friends, at the end of the day, he always went home looking forward to the next shift. Julain sighed internally realizing what was missing in his life. He did not have a romantic relationship. That was the problem.

Perhaps, he should ask Dax for some potential girlfriends or something. She always had suggestions for Kira after all.

The next morning, Julian ran a first aid seminar for Starfleet officers on the space station. It was relatively simple, but it did take up his morning. From there, another seminar for the general public happened that afternoon. It was necessary for people to be able to figure out when to call Sick Bay and when not to. While he was cleaning up the used supplies, Dax approached him.

'How are things, Julian? I've noticed that you seem to be restless recently.'

'I guess I'm just lonely and looking for a new relationship. Leeta and I broke up months ago and now I'm ready to move on.'

'Okay, I'll think about the people that I know and how might suit you. I can get back to you in a couple of days.'

'Jadzia, I'm going to be leaving in four days and then I'm going to be gone for a month. It can wait until I'm back from the diplomatic mission with Luxanna Troi.'

'Fair point, I will create that list for you. Maybe you need someone different than anyone else you've ever dated.

'Maybe, or maybe not.'

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