chapter 6

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We go dress shopping for my step mother and step sisters the next day. I get to ride in the carriage and see the dress shops. There are so many people getting ready for the ball and walking out and about. At the first stop my father and brothers try on three dresses each but don't like any of them.

The next shop makes unique dresses and I get to try one on because my Step mother doesn't want to be rude to the shop owner. I spin around and around looking in the mirror in the dressing room. I smile.

Feeling actually happy for once in the past 2 years. The dress is a pale blue with yellow flowers on the bodice and sleeves. I feel beautiful.

But as soon as the feelings are there, they're gone. The bruises on my arms and chest peek through the dress fabric and I feel worthless. I try not to cry but the steamy tears fall and ruin the dress.

I take a deep breath and take off the dress. My step father looks angrily at me as I step out of the  dressing room.

"Why didn't you show us?" she asks. I look up and mumble something about it not fitting before thrusting the dress into the owner's hands and standing quietly next to my sisters. 

My stepfather looks approvingly at me. The dressmaker apologizes profusely and my Stepmother waves him off.

At the last stop my step brothers find their dresses. Zayn's is a pale yellow with ruffles and lace embellishments. Niall's dress is a cream color with light blue and green bows.
My stepmother looked approvingly at them and grabbed her pre ordered dress. His is a dark red with pink ruffles and bows.
The carriage ride home is hell. I feel unwanted and hopeless. But I have a plan. All I have to do is get some extra fabric and make myself a dress.

You know louis' plan now!!! I'm so excited for the next part of the story!!!! Harry is my favorite character ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ Have a GREAT dayyy !!!! Please vote

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