To My Wife

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June 17th, Year of our lord 1104

My lady Isabelle, Grace and peace be upon thee.

By the grace of god, me and my men have taken the grand storied walls of Tyre, after a lengthy battle. We lost a hundred valiant souls on the journey, but the lord keeps us with 7,000. Our siege proved ardenous, however, Don Estabans fleet claimed victory over the city, and the christian flag stands proud like the cross at Calvary.

Today, I led a grand charge through the town square, the bravery and courage of my army shone through these streets. The clashes of steel gave proof through the day that we were still fighting. After we hath conquered the city, the people of the town emerged from their houses. Not with horror, but a strange relief.

This land isn't like home at all, instead of the usual cardinal red shingles and dove white walls, they have sand walls here, they're thick indeed,

We brought forth Bishop Mar Basilius Ephrem to take over the construction of a cathedral. At thoust day it perchance be ready, He doth laid out plans of the cathedral, and we've approved them. This hath only a mere beginning of a long and glorious fight.

Don Estabons hath established an encampment in the town, and we shalst stay until we've ready to charge into battle. The men are weary of the seas, though emboldened to fight. We hath fortified land, and readied our siege weapons for anything the Seljuiks throw at us. I humbly request ye that thou inform Maître Jacques Le Tailleur that i request thine presence, as he doth the greatest mason in the land.

My heart aches to see thoee. I've prayed for victories and a swift return. The constellations in the sky remind me of thy sapphire crystal eyes. Filling me with desire to see ye again.

Glory to god, my dearest Marchioness,

Charles, Margrave du Montèval 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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