❆-Chapter 4-❆

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             "  Life is full of choices ,you choose yours " .

Five years Later.

" I suggest you stand  right there ,Elvis " I warned my four year old son as I stood hands on my waist as he ran all over the room just because he doesn't want to take a bath .

He looked at me with his dove eyes pouting his little mouth trying to tell me he was also annoyed with the marathon we've just been doing and so far as to why I don't try to understand his point but how can I .

" You've bathed me in the morning ma " he stated fisting his hands as he heaved ,sweat lingering on his body already and he doesn't want to take a bath .

" Well personal hygiene requires it up to more than three times baby " he looked at me as if I sprung another head beside what I have .

" Am clean enough ma " he claimed again as I eyed his sweaty body ,damn this kid .

A door clicked open and there walked my best friend Carmen who smiled like she's just prized .Not that I have forgotten about Mia ,no ,but Carmen has been a good friend ever since I arrived in Italy .

" Can I guess what's going on ? " Carmen smiled walking toward the living room and Elvis took a chance to bolt the way to his room .

" Someone doesn't want to take a bath " she added walking back where I stood and I shook my head .

Elvis was one of the reasons for my headaches when it comes to morning and evening .

" Nothing else ,Carmen I just wonder where he's got that fear from ,I like water " I exclaimed taking a seat on the nearest table as Carmen Chuckled .

" His father probably " she commented and it was 99% possible because I know nothing about him ,fuck I don't even remember his face just that tall built body ,masculine scent and those green eyes resembling forget boring to my eyes as he pounded the life out of my pussy that night .

That was all I remember only to regret it a few months ahead when the pregnant tests read Positive and I had no starting point with all the shit bearing on my shoulders .

But more or less ,I survived and learned to love and accept my kid even when I don't know his father ,that's okay with me . He's mine .

I admit to having tried and looked for him but with the baseless information I had on hand that sounded very impossible to happen so I did what I thought was best for that time , I quit and coped with whatever I had .

Weeks  walked a little bit harsher just as the months ran and I welcomed my baby into the world and years did less in wasting time and here we are , four years after everything I call ghost past stayed behind my memory .

Carmen walked upstairs obviously going after my son and I don't really know what charms she uses on him but I hear no disturbing noise as he takes a shower and happily comes down for breakfast .

I always fail at that .

" Is it the bacon again ,ma ? " Elvis asked raising his eyebrow as he rubbed the back of his neck .That has become a habit when he's nervous , lying , or disgusted but trying to make it not look that bad .

" Have you  changed interest now ? " I smiled at him as he simply nodded taking his seat looking at me with his beautiful eyes ,those forest green boring to me making me feel the  peace that satisfies my thirst of love .

" I tasted Samosas at school ,and they tasted yummy " he spoke pulling hi plate closer ,Carmen watched him with a smile .

" And I think I warned you about school foods ,didn't I ?" I questioned as he ignored my raised voice and bit his bacon slowly humming .

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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