Part eight

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Despite Kaí saying he was going to keep watch of Zaían, Ruth heard him sleep talking during the night. She could never fully make out what he was saying. The words she did regonize were extremely random and made no sense.
She had only woken up twice during the night. The second time she woke up in a cold sweat. She had a dream but she couldn't remember what it was but she remembered the feeling of horror and helplessness. She remembered her mother's face in the dream.
It was the only thing she could clearly remember, her mother was smiling down at her. Her face was blurry. Ruth hated to admit it but she was slowly forgetting what she looked like.
She stared down at Ruth smiling, her black eyes staring into Ruth's. Whatever horror was happening Ruth's mother remained indifferent, almost carless. Then Ruth awoke.
She felt a sense of horror, it didn't help that she was in an abandoned restaurant in the middle of the night.
Ruth hated Foster care, she hated how Martha treated her. She hated how the other kids acted, how they picked on her. She hated the change and how nobody seemed to care. She remembered the roaches that ran around the small apartment as she slept on a flat mattresses.
It was times like this however, that she almost missed it. She missed having a warm bed, she missed not having to worry about food or water. Two things that now dictated her entire existence.
She turned to face Kaí. Drool was hanging from his mouth, he continued to mutter words Ruth couldn't make out. He was still leaning against the wall.
At least she didn't have to miss him.
The girl lay to the end of the room, in this context she looked like a normal child taking a nap. Not a crazy child with evil powers that tried to kill people.
Ruth yawned, she was wide awake now. She felt the night air in the distance. Some rustling beyond the building. At first the rustling in the night had scared her but now she was used to it.
It was probably a raccoon.
Ruth turned back. Despite her being wide awake she needed to sleep.
She closed her eyes and tried to quiet her mind. That however only made it worse. She was scared that the enslavers would find her again, or if there was another earthquake. Or if the child in the restaurant woke up and decided to attack them.
Ruth pinched herself. It was something she did when bad or anxious thoughts became too overwhelming. The pain helped to distract her, the pain prevented her from thinking about anything else. She remembered using this method frequently with her mom.
Because she had so many bruises around her body nobody would question the ones dotted around her arms.
Ruth had a suspicion Kaí did it too, though his was more extreme. Both his arms were covered with white bandages, she still remembered one time in foster care when she went into his room.
It wasn't out of the ordinary, the house was chaotic, and they would normally go into eachothers rooms. There was 8 boys in one room and Ruth was the only girl.
Kaí was crouched over his bed, a knife in his hand. His arm was covered in scars. One was still bleeding. Ruth had never questioned the bandages, she assumed they were caused by a parent. Most of the children there were abused and she knew it was best not to pry. Especially when Kaí never brought it up.
She had never thought he caused his own injuries.
Since that incident she had caught him with a knife a few more times. Kaí would never talk about it. He would ignore the topic entirely and if Ruth even hinted at it he would change the subject. Ruth didn't know what to do. She had heard of people being hurt, she had never heard of people doing it to themselves.
Ruth didn't know when she went to sleep, her thoughts kept her up and then the pain would keep her up more.

"Where is he?" Kaí asked.
Ruth slowly opened her eyes. Her body felt stiff from the night before. Her bones seemed to ache when she moved them. Hopefully they would be better soon.
Ruth yawned. "What?" She rubbed her teary eyes.
"That asshole isn't here." Kaí said. "I woke up and he's gone."
Ruth suddenly became more awake. "What? Where did he go?"
Kaí stood up and stretched, his knuckles cracked loudly. "I don't know, it's so sad, I'm gonna miss him. We had such a bonding experience the other night."
Ruth rolled her eyes. She was reaching her limit with Kaí's sarcasm.
She couldn't help feeling disappointed. She didn't know Zaían but she didn't think he was a bad person. It was unfortunate that they couldn't communicate, she felt that they would have been able to work through any suspiciounns they had if he understood them.
She should have at least tried to understand him.
She felt disappointment come over her, it was small but she still wished Zaían had stayed.
Her stomach started to rumble. She clutched it. The last thing she ate was a piece of bread over a day ago.
"Can we go back to the bus now?" Ruth asked. There was still canned food she could eat there.
"Sure, and maybe think about washing up when we get there." Kaí said.
Ruth nodded. A silence passed between them  as she slowly got up. She let out a loud yawn.
Birds were chirping in the distance and the day was warm again.
She looked down at her cloths, they looked like they were dragged through hell and back. Her legs didn't look better, they were covered in bruises, scars and dirt.
She didn't want to look at herself in the mirror, she suspected her face didn't look much better. Maybe it looked worse.
In all honesty Ruth avoided mirrors regardless, she always looked awful. Her eye bags were prominent and her face was starting to become acne covered.
She wasn't going to point out her facial features. Silly things that made up her face. Sometimes she couldn't help but dislike them but she never let herself care too much. At the end of the day nobody cares about appearances anymore.
Ruth started to get to her feet, her joints still stiff from the night before.
"Why do you think he left?" She asked.
Kaí was now at the end of the room sitting on a stool, he had a knife in his hand and was carving stuff into the wooden counter.
"I don't know, maybe he was a cannibal and decided we weren't his taste." He said as he shoved the knife harder into the table. "You never know."
Ruth frowned. She knew it was stupid to ask Kaí. He couldn't care less about Zaían.
Kaí always seemed to be overly distrusting of people he didn't know. Ruth didn't know why.
"I'm going outside to check the weather." Ruth said. She headed for the thick wooden doors that still worked perfectly. They even had their glass still intact.
She knew from the warm air that the weather was going to be sunny but she hoped she could see some clouds in the distance.
Everyone on this island loved the rain because it was their main source of water. Unfortunately, the summer weather has become even more dry. Rain hasn't been falling nearly as much. Over the past decade, the weather was becoming more unpredictable.
Sometimes rain would pour too much and sometimes it would be so hot people would die from heat stroke.
The change in climate happened to hit her island the hardest. If it wasn't for the earthquakes, Ruth still suspected people would have emigrated.
The island itself was going underwater, the weather was always unpredictable and even the government was forcing and encouraging people to move.
The earthquakes were just icing on the cake.
Ruth stepped outside into the hot air, she didn't know what time it was but based on the sun's position she could guess it was probably 8am.
She slapped a mosquito off her arm, mosquitos used to bite Ruth frequently but now they left almost everyone alone.
Unfortunately there wasn't a cloud in the sky, the sun was shining bright.
The rubble surrounding her was being covered in plant life, trees were sprouting from some. They offered Ruth some shade. Throughout the summer the sun had made Ruth 3 shades darker.
She looked around, last night she was too tired to check her surroundings but now she was wide awake.
Plenty of buildings still stood. The road she stood on still wasn't covered in deprise.
At the end of the road stood a large shopping mall that was now overgrown with trees and plants.
Outside the mall was a boy sitting next to a small fire.
Ruth was surprised to see someone else here, especially since they were so far out from the city center.
She started to look closer, despite the distance the boy looked familiar. She regonized the black hair and the tattered cloths. Was that Zaían?
As she walked across the road Zaían became even more clearer.
There was no doubt now, it was Zaían.
She picked up her pace and started walking through the road.
Zaían was crouched underneath a tree, a fire was in front of him. Above the fire was a piece of meat being twirled around.
Ruth then realized it was a rabbit.
She felt a twitch of jealousy at how quickly he managed to catch one. That jealousy went away quickly and what replaced it was hunger. He had food.
Ruth slowly approached him. If Zaían had noticed her presence he didn't show it. His eyes were trained on the rabbit as he spinned it around the fire.
"Um, Hi." Ruth said awkwardly.
Zaían looked up at Ruth. His expression was blank but he didn't look like he was bothered by her presence.
Ruth motioned to the rabbit and gave him a thumbs up. She then cringed at hersel
Zaían nodded and continued spinning the rabbit.
Ruth stood there awkwardly. She didn't know what to say or how to say it.
Zaían then waved her over. It was faint, just a simple fave of his two fingers. His face still focused on the rabbits.
Ruth walked over the fire as faint spark flew from it.
She had never been good at starting fires, she had match boxes to start them though Zaían didn't seem to have any.
Now that Ruth thought about it, Zaían was good at starting fires, even in the pitch black cave he still found a way to light a spark for a torch.
Her stomach started to rumble. She clutched it embarrassed.
Zaían stopped spinning the rabbit, he got out a plate behind him.
Ruth regonized the plate, it was the plate that the restaurant used. Their plates were unique because of their bright yellow colour, Ruth had only seen a few in the restaurant.
He then placed the rabbit on the plate and started cutting at it with a knife that Ruth assumed he got from the restaurant.
To Ruth's surprise he handed her a plate and then placed a large slab of meat on it.
Ruth's mouth started to water. "Thank you." Her mouth formed into a smile.
Zaían's checks started to redden slightly, Ruth guessed it was the heat. Her face was flushed too.
She then picked up a knife and fork and shoved the pieces in her mouth. She wanted to cry from happiness, when you were starving anything tasted good.
She couldn't remember the last time someone cooked something for her. Mostly her and Kaí has to get food by themselves.
They both ate in silence. Ruth was too focused on eating.
After she ate most of the rabbit she stopped herself from eating it all.
She could give the rest to Kaí.
Ruth suddenly felt more energized and clear minded.
Once Zaían had finished eating he put the rabbit in a plastic bag before putting it in his backpack.
He then wiped his hands and poured dirt on the fire before it eventually went out.
He muttered something to himself before turning to place Ruth.
He started speaking to her. All the words were foreign and different. He crouched down next to her and started drawing a picture of a girl. She was small and her eyes were closed.
Ruth blinked. Was he asking of the girl who was still unconscious.
Ruth nodded her head.
She then pointed to the drawing. "Avati." She said.
Hopefully it would be easier to understand eachother if they had a name for her.
She repeated the word again. "Avati."
Zaían frowned. "Avati."
It was strange to hear him speak a familiar word. His pronunciation was poor but at least she understood him.
He pointed to the drawing. "Avati." He then made a shut his eyes pretending to sleep.
Ruth nodded. "Yes."
She pretended to sleep and then opened her eyes. "Asleep."
They should at least try to learn to communicate with each other.
Zaían started to understand. "Avati asleep."
"I thought you were just checking the weather." She heard Kaís voice behind her.
Ruth felt Zaían tense behind her. She had a feeling that the dislike between the two was mutual.
Zaían started muttering some words under his breath.
"It turns out Zaían just went to get food." Ruth said awkwardly. The tension was thick.
Kaí raised his eyebrow. "You seriously ate that guy's food?"
Ruth nodded. "I saved you some."
Before Ruth could hand him the plate Kaí shoke his head. "No thanks, I'm good."
Ruth frowned. "Why are you so stubborn? You haven't eaten in ages."
"I'd rather starve then be poisoned."
Ruth's eye twitched. "Why are so overdramatic about everything? You don't even know this guy."
Kaí nodded. "Exactly Ruth, I don't know him."
Ruth stood up. She wanted to go farther into the topic but she stopped herself when a familiar figure came through the shopping mall.
Long matted hair, beard, looked like he ran away from soap and had a can of beans in his hands.
"Ted!" Ruth called out.
Ted looked up from his can of beans. He looked at Ruth surprised before a grin plastered across his face. "I thought you were dead." He said as he walked towards them. "Wishful thinking I suppose."
"Nice to see you too." Ruth said. "Glad to know you looked for me."
Ted shrugged. "I did for a bit but I knew you would be ok. I told Kaí he was overacting."
He dropped his tin can on the floor.
"Anyway who's that kid brodding under the tree? Is he your boyfriend?" He pointed to Zaían sitting under the tree. Zaían saw him pointing, he looked at Ted with a blank expression.
Ruth shoke her head. "No."
"I was talking to Kaí." Ted said as he started picking his teeth.
Ruth rolled her eyes. "Why are you here?"
Ted shoved his hands in his pockets. "Going for a walk I guess, exploring the city, living life you know how it is."
Ruth looked down at Teds pockets. She saw some paper still out, they looked like magazines.
"What are those?" She asked. "I didn't know you could read."
Ted suddenly became abit tense. He tried to play it off by shrugging his shoulders. "I'm  getting into the habit."
"Oh yeah?" Kaí said. "They're not pictures of naked women or anything?"
Ted no longer looked nervous. "Look a guy has needs."
Ruth suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. "You're gross."
Ted shoke his head. "It was annoying though, before I went into the mall this ankle biter went up to me."
Ruth frowned. "What?"
Ted nodded. "Yeah it was really annoying, this blonde kid went up to me said something about her mom being hurt. I don't know."
Ruth felt her heart rate quicken. "What was her name?"
Ted shoved his hand in his pants and started scratching his ass. "I don't know. Think it was Mari."
"Mari?" She heard a voice behind her. It was Zaían. His blank expression wiped away.
"Yeah, that's her name. She was an ugly kid I have to say, looked like she bites people ankles. She kept crying about her mom."
Ted didn't seem to notice how everyone was silent.
"I mean that sucks for her but I'm not wasting my supplies on someone who's probably dead already. Besides, she was being really annoying kept saying 'please I need help blah blah blah.' Kids are so annoying these days they can't do anything for themselves."
Ruth ignored the fact that Ted was a horrible person. She was too overcome with shock. "Where did you see her?"
Ted continued scratching his ass. "Pretty near actually, just behind the shopping mall."
Ruth was already running.
"Hey! Where are you going?" Ted shouted after her.
She ran across the road and started running around the mall.
She then realized Zaían was running with her, along with Kaí.
"I'm guessing Mari is  the human trafficker?" Kaí said between breaths.
Ruth nodded. "Yeah."
Ruth ran across the road, the mall was large but she thought it was best to go around.
She didn't know when that was going to collapse, besides Ted, there were a lot of rats lurking around there.
She was starting to slow down, this time adrenaline wasn't there to encourage her.
The mall was large, she was almost to the end.
A carpark was up ahead.
She passed the grey walls covered in poorly done graffiti.
The remaining buildings casted shadows around her. The sun no longer hitting her skin. She wiped the sweat off her forehead as she continued to run.
She didn't have a plan in mind if she managed to catch her. All Ruth knew was she couldn't let Mari do this. Many things pushed her forward. She wanted to know what these slave owners were up to and why they did what they did, she was also really angry at this nine year old.
Zaían ran behind Ruth which she found strange.
Strange that he understood what was going on and strange because he normally was a lot faster then her.
He probably heard the name Mari and followed Ruth since he guessed she was going to her.
Despite her body protesting, Ruth ran forward through the now empty road.
The sun hit her skin. She was no longer covered by the shadows of buildings. She was in the carpark at the end of the mall.
The carpark was surprisingly large, some cars still were parked, never to be driven again.
Ruth stopped when she heard a voice all too familiar.
"Hurry up! I can't explain! You just need help! My mom's hurt!"
Mari. That loud high pitched voice echoed across the silent city.
She stepped back from the car park along with Zaían. Kaí looked like he wanted to ask questions but decided not to.
They all hid behind the building and watched Mari at the end of the carpark.
The sun hit her light hair making it a bright yellow.
In front of her was one man, he was skinny and his hair was a dark orange. He looked down at her with a worried expression, not knowing what to do.
"What happened to her?" He asked anxiously.
Mari stomped her foot. "I don't know ok! Just come with me."
Ruth's sensed some deja-vu. She remembered having a similar conversation with the child.
Zaían no longer hid behind the building, he was now running across the car park, Ruth quickly followed and she sensed Kaí close behind.
Zaían got towards Mari quickly, Ruth and Kaí followed behind.
Mari noticed him approaching, her face morphed slowly into recognition, then to worry.
Mari quickly ran behind the man and pointed at Zaían. "He's the one who hurt my mom! Now he's going to hurt me!"
The the man looked at Zaían, he couldn't be much older then 20. 
"Don't let him hurt me!" She then pointed to Ruth. "T-that girl also! She's bad too."
Mari grabbed onto the ginger mans jacket.
The man looked between Zaían and Ruth.
For a moment the carpark was filled with silence. Ruth could feel the tension.
The man stepped back.
"I think it's best you two leave." The man said, his voice was calm but threatening.
Ruth put up her hands. "Listen, you have this all wrong. I can explain."
"I think the girl explained everything." The ginger man said. "Get lost." He had a thick accent, Ruth didn't regonize it.
Zaían started shouting at him, using lots of hand gestures. Some of the motions he did made Ruth suspect that was his way of communicating.
"This child isn't innocent, she-"
"You deaf? I said get lost." The ginger man said. He got out a knife from his pocket and pointed it at them.
"This kids is trying to kidnap you!" Ruth shouted.
Mari started crying. "She's a liar! She lied to my mom too! She said she was going to give her food and then she attacked her!" She then started to tremble. "D-dont let her come near please!"
"Wow she's good." Kaí said impressed.
"Don't listen to her!" Ruth shouted.
The ginger man stepped in front of the girl, he glared at Ruth. "I can regonize a person like you anywhere, I just never expected you to be so young."
He lunged at Ruth.

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