𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙷𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏

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The next room was engulfed in stark, blinding white, emanating from the harsh glow of the fluorescent lights overhead. The space was divided by rusted metal bars, with you on one side and Zack on the other. Across from you, opposite the wall, stood a door, seemingly the one that would grant passage once completed with whatever crazy task Cathgy wanted you and Zack to perform. Positioned above the doors was a giant glass box. You couldn't find any specific reason for its existence, but its true function will remain a mystery until it's either utilized or left untouched.

Other than the glass box, the next thing that caught your eye was the two pristine white tables, each in the center of your and Zack's side of the room. Upon said tables sat two striking-looking syringes. Interestingly, the syringe on Zack's side was verdant in color, while the one on your side had a subtle orange tint. The radiant hue of the liquid was a sight to behold, you've never seen something so odd in a syringe other than in the movies.

Zack was silent for once, staring ahead at the doors that had yet to be unlocked. You wondered what he was thinking. It had to be something worth noting; it was rare for him to be quiet for more than a few minutes.

Before either one of you could utter a word, an all-too-familiar laughter came from above, behind the glass panel. The clicking of heeled boots followed after. The woman centered herself, fully revealing her identity.

"Hello there! It's nice to finally meet you, in the flesh!"

It was the witch herself, Cathy.

"I have a feeling we're going to get quite the show tonight, don't you?" She said, tapping a remote of some sort against her hand.

"Sadistic bitch! What now?!" Zack shouted, irked.

Cathy smiled, "oh, Zack, how could you say such things to a beautiful woman like me?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip and looking down at Zack, clearly the one thought to be in control. She then brought the hand wielding the controller up to her face, "but even that gets me all excited!"

"Shut the hell up and get down 'er so I can kill ya!" Zack belched, gripping his scythe. Well, it seemed like he was back to acting like his normal self.

Cathy giggled, "what do you mean, silly? You're the ones who will die here." She said with certainty.

Over with her and Zack's bickering, you decided to butt in on the conversation. "Just what the hell do you want us to do this time?" You asked, annoyed.

"Tell me, detective. . . What is a syringe used for?" Cathy asked, her downturned gaze moving to you. You didn't have to think about an answer, "injecting medicine." You shook your head as you spoke, what a dumb question.

The room darkened, and a spotlight cast over your head. "Correct!" Cathy shouted as a bountiful of confetti fell from the ceiling and artificial clapping and cheering came over the speakers, dispersing after a few long seconds.

Most likely, the remote in her hands was the thing controlling everything happening in the room. But it didn't seem all that complex, even though she could control so much. You wondered how it was programmed, and what button went to what. Knowing that could be the small difference between life and death.

As you were brushing off confetti from your shoulders and plucking it from your hair, the room returned to its original lighting. You blew a piece of the colorful paper off your face, annoyed by how Cathy dared to pull such a happy-go-lucky move at a time like this.

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