Columbia: Chapter 10: The bird's song

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I am the either the unluckiest bastard on this side of the earth, or the luckiest son if a bitch ever to walk this earth.

Opening my eyes, it was clear the the airship was grounded, for good. Even if by some miracle I could find a way to tip this thing upright, the sparks from the controls hinted that the leavers and switches where useless now.

I thought back to how the bird flew out of nowhere. That damn statue had to just go off didn't it? Of course it did, right when me and Elizabeth were-wait... where is she!

I looked down to the door and saw her slumped below the cracked window, seemingly unharmed. Trying to get up, I cried out in pain.

I looked down to see I was inpailed on a jagged price of metal that was sticking out of my right abdomen. "Fuuuuucccckkk..." I groaned.

I needed to find a way to get Elizabeth up to help me. I looked around for anything that could help but there wasn't jack shit. Looking down at the metal I saw the floor under me had tint of crimson that was ebbing it's way down the floor to the side of the ship.

"Elizabeth!" I called out, trying to wake her. She stirred a little but she didn't open her eyes, I needed to wake her up, soon. I till had free rein of my arms so that was something at least, I felt around in my pockets for something to toss at her. My hand brushed up against cool metal, pulling it out, I saw it was my iPod.

"Please don't break on me now of all times." I looked at Elizabeth and drew my arm back and tossed the device at her shoulder. When the object made contact, her eyes fluttered open groggily.

"Uggggggg." she groaned as she clutched her head with one hand as she pushed herself up with the other. I sighed with relief, she didn't look hurt at all.

"Elizabeth." I said again, she shook her head and looked towards me, her eyes widening when she saw my predicament. "(Y/N)!" she yelled as she scrambled up beside me.

"Oh god, how long have you-" she stopped when she saw the blood I've lost. "We need to get it out of you, now." she said frantically.

I stopped her before she could pull the thing out, "Elizabeth I'm ON it, it's not in me." I said, her fearful look gaining a bit of panic. She inhaled a breath and let it out, "Okay... we-I still need to get you off this sooner rather than later." I gulped, that did not sound pleasant.

"Lets get it over with." I said, my tone showing clear signs of anxiety. Elizabeth nodded. Grabbing me by my shoulders she gave me a sympathetic look as she began to pull.

It hurt like pure hell.

I didn't know if it punctured anything vital but it felt like when I got stabbed with the knife on a larger scale really. I managed to bite back my scream though so I'm proud of that.

When I was off it, Elizabeth held me steady upright, "Stay here for now while I look for something to help okay?" she questioned, I merely nodded, to exhausted to even care.

When Elizabeth returned, she pulled my shirt up I saw that the cut went relatively clean through. Elizabeth sighed with relief, "Ok, it's not as bad as I thought. I'll get you patched up right away."

It was pretty much a blue as she went to work. When she was done, I felt loads better. I laid back down on the ground and slid to the wall. Elizabeth wasn't far behind.

I was ready to pass out again, and looked like Elizabeth wasn't doing so well either, "There goes the First Lady." she said looking around. I laid my head back against the cold floor.

"Well at least one of us has their health." I said as I got into a comfortable position. Elizabeth frowned, "Don't say that. Please."

"Sorry." I apologized. It just occurred to me that, other than songbird, I'm probably the one person she's closest to. And she probably doesn't want to talk about me dying so soon after started... whatever we are right now.

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