12: Mia.

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It had been weeks since my little rendezvous with my mate, and I for one was feeling refreshed. The babies had started daycare, Riley was busy negotiating deals and writing up treaties with other packs, and I was left with so much time on my hands I didn't know what to do with.

So far, I had helped Ellen and Ray with renovations in the pack house, however my clumsiness did not make me useful in any way, shape or form. I was back to lounging around, missing Hazel and Oscar, yearning for my mate and bored stupid.

With so much energy in my body and no way to release it, I decided to head out to the new training grounds where Joey and Mike were running drills with all the fighters. I wasn't the most experienced in hand-to-hand combat, but I could see the use in learning a thing or two. My previous fighting education provided to me by Don led to me utilizing a few underhanded methods. Now that included seeing what my magical blood could do, but my mate and friends frowned at my willingness to get scratched and cut up for the chance to experiment with my power.

My hand still had a thick white scar crossing the palm from when I sent Kyle on a one-way trip to hell, and I was covered in enough lessons by now to know I should be more careful. But I hadn't gotten much of a chance to explore the goddess blood inside me. So, as a result I found myself standing alone on the grass, watching Joey and Mike yell at people as they hit eachother. It was riveting.

My presence caught the attention of Joey, who jogged over to my side with a grin.

"You here to whip them into shape, Luna".

I rolled my eyes. I had been here for a while and yet being called Luna felt so foreign to me.

"More like whip myself into shape".

"Boredom kicking your ass?"

I raked my hands through my red hair, pulling it haphazardly into a ponytail.

"Nah, I'm just missing my little babies...it's too quiet".

While Joey didn't have kids of his own, I could tell he empathised with my struggle. He wiped his face with his sweat stained shirt and nudged me in the direction of the fighters, who quickly stood to attention upon catching a glimpse of me.

Mike tutted and hissed slightly.

"Get back to work".

I smirked, quickly making my way over to him. He was typically the master behind the operations in the pack. Joey was more of the ideas guy, whereas Mike was all logistics and training.

"You think I can get in on the action?"

He raised his eyebrows at me, with his arms folded over his chest. Compared to his companion, there was not a bead of sweat on him.

"You think I want the Alpha kicking my ass because you got all stab happy again?"

I struggled to hold in my laughter at his question. While he did have a point, I was going crazy from the restlessness. I needed to do something, anything.

Seeing the exasperation on my face, the Beta caved.

"You can practise healing, that's it. Take it or leave it".

I couldn't help but smile. It wasn't exactly the combat training I wanted, but the prospect of socialising and moving made a drastic improvement on my mood.

Soon I was set up in the corner of the field, with my books on blood magic, healing magic, and deities that I had studied incessantly while I was pregnant. I had yet to try healing, but there was no time like the present, and no place like a field full of battered and bruised wolves.

In no time at all, a group of younger fighters had gathered in front of me, nursing their wounds from possible concussions and lacerations to probable broken bones and deep cuts. Wolves tended to heal fast, and this made for the perfect test subjects.

I cracked my fingers and neck, eager to get to work and ushered the first kid forward. He mustn't have been more than sixteen.

"So how can I help you my dear?"

The boy, with a dazed look on his face gestured to his head and face. He had fresh bruising on his forehead and a nasty gash trailing across his face. Even for a wolf, it would probably scar if it was left to heal naturally.

Feeling the pressure to perform, I steadied my breath and stretched out my hands, holding them about an inch away from the injuries. I closed my eyes, following what my studies had taught me. Slowly I felt energy and pressure gather from all over my body and move to the palms of my hands. It tingled slightly and felt odd, but I persisted. My mind pictured the gash sealing itself back up, the scar vanishing, and reversing the impact to the young boy's head. Once I was confident in my attempt, I let my eyes flutter open and looked at the boy before me.

I let out a shriek of joy, when my eyes landed on the boy whose injuries were completely gone. It worked on the first try.

My head snapped to see Mike and Joey examining the kid with a look of awe on their faces.

Joey looked at me first.

"You actually did it. How do you feel? Weird? Weak? Sore?"

I giggled, elated. "I feel absolutely perfect".

In all honesty, this was the first step in feeling like a whole human being again, outside of being a mother, or a Luna. I was finding these pieces of myself once more, slowly but surely. I was way to eager to tell my mate, and happy that I had a useful skill to heal the babies' little bumps and bruises when they started walking and wandering. Life was good, and for the first time in months I could breathe easily. I just hoped nothing would come to disrupt my joy, but considering my track record of being attacked, taking on a God, et cetera, I was not betting on anything.


So I finally return with another chapter! I know I promised more chapters a long time ago, but life got in the way and I honestly was losing the inspiration to continue this story and I still am not entirely sure what I want to do with this story. I'll keep writing if you guys are enjoying it, but it may take me a while to figure out what direction to take this plot in, so please be patient. 

Also, I have been writing several chapters of a new story, a straight werewolf romance, to challenge myself as a writer, so if anyone is interested in that please let me know, I would love to hear from you!

Be back soon x

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