Mixed in mafia [FistKhao]

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This idea was reguested by subhashini_ I hope this is even a littlebit something you wanted 😊.

WORDS [1660] 🙏


Khao was early at his bakery baking the days desserts when he figured that he have to open it soon.

He put the last tray in oven and walked up front.

He started to set the tables ready and clean the places up a little before he can open. Today he was working alone because his workers were either at holiday or sick. It was okay tho.

Khao loved the bakery and it was small so he can handle it alone. He singed with the song that was playing on the radio and was fully in his own world.

It was finally time to open the bakery/café and Khao was smiling like usual. Ne unlocked the door and put the open sing.

Khao walked to the bakery and took the tray off the owen when he heard the bell. First costumer of the day came in and Khao walked happily to greet them.

Before he got too happy he saw the usual costumer that kept scaring the kind costumers away. That man keeps showing up everyday and it is getting to Khaos nervs.

He walked to the costumer and asked "Hey. What would you like to order?"

The man told his order and Khao walked away with a fake smile. That man gets on his nerves so much.

The bell rang again and Khao greeted them with big smile. He went to take the costumers order. The costumer wanted to take the order with them and Khao was sure he knew why.

That jock was staring at the lovely costumer so madly that it scared them away.

Khao went and made the orders and gave them to the costumers.


It has been couple of hours and all costumers just ran away from the Café and Khao have had enough. He took the tray that he serves the stuff with and walked to the man.

"If you are going to sit there and scare all of my costumers away please do me a favoir and leave. You know this is the way I do my living and you being here scaring my costumers.

So I ask you. Please leave" Khao tried to keep calm while talking to the costumer.

He swinged the tray while he was about to colleck his dishes, but accidentaly smacked the man in the head with it.

"Aw, shia!! You know you are going to pay for that cutie" the man said and walked away.

Well atleast the man is gone and Khao can keep working in peace. Or so he taught.

About 30 minutes later the man walks in the bakery with couple dudes that looks like bodyguards or something. Khao stares at them guestioning.

"Khaotung Thanawat. You are coming with us and there not possibility for you to refuse.

It's either you come with us or you will not see tomorrow. So how it is. You coming?" the rude man says.

Khao is shocked, but he thinks they are joking so he don't move from his spot.

He got shivers when the man walks next to him and points him with gun. "So how is it cutie. Would be such a shame to kill someone so pretty"

Khao nodded and asked "uhm.. can I close my Café first. It will take couple of minutes"

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