chapter 3:law school journey

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The family dining room. It's a warm, cozy evening. The table is set for dinner. Andrei, a young man in his early twenties, sits with his parents, Atty. Marco and Atty. Xandra, both successful lawyers. The atmosphere is filled with the aroma of a delicious home-cooked meal.

Andrei: (nervously shifting in his seat) Mom, Dad, I want to talk to you about something.

Atty. Xandra: (smiling warmly) Of course, honey. What's on your mind?

Atty. Marco: (leaning forward, showing interest) Yes, son. We're listening.

Andrei: (takes a deep breath) I've been thinking a lot about my future, and I know what I want to do. I want to pursue my dream—to be a lawyer, just like both of you. But I want to specialize in commercial law.

Atty. Xandra: (eyes lighting up) Oh, Andrei! That's wonderful to hear. Commercial law is a fascinating field. What inspired this decision?

Andrei: (looking determined) I've always admired the work you both do and after my internship at the firm this summer, I realized how much I enjoy the complexity and challenges of commercial law. I want to help businesses navigate the legal landscape and contribute to their success.

Atty. Marco: (nodding approvingly) I'm proud of you, son. It's a demanding specialty, but I have no doubt you have the dedication and intelligence to excel in it.

Atty. Xandra: (reaching out to hold Andrei's hand) We'll support you every step of the way, Andrei. Your father and I have always believed in you. Pursuing law school and specializing in commercial law is a big commitment but incredibly rewarding.

Andrei: (smiling, feeling a wave of relief) Thank you, both of you. Your support means everything to me. I've already started looking into colleges and programs that have strong commercial law departments.

Atty. Marco: (thoughtfully) Have you considered where you might want to go?

Andrei: Yes, I have a few schools in mind. The University of [University Name] has an excellent program. I think it would be a great fit for me.

Atty. Xandra: (beaming with pride) That's an excellent choice. We'll help you with the application process and anything else you need.

Atty. Marco: And remember, Andrei, it's not just about the education. It's also about the experience, the connections you make, and the passion you bring to your work.

Andrei: (nodding) I understand, Dad. I'm ready to work hard and make the most of this opportunity.

Atty. Xandra: (raising her glass) To Andrei, and his bright future as a commercial lawyer.

Atty. Marco: (raising his glass) To Andrei.

Andrei: (raising his glass, feeling a sense of purpose and excitement) To the future.

With the clinking of glasses, Andrei's journey to pursue his dream of becoming a commercial lawyer officially began, supported by the unwavering belief and love of his parents.

Andrei's first day in law school...

The bustling campus of the University of [University Name]. Andrei walks through the grand entrance of the law school building, taking in the impressive architecture. The hallways are filled with students, some chatting excitedly, others looking serious and focused.

Entering the Law School Building

Andrei: (looking around, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves) Here we go. First day of law school. I can do this.

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