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Pip tapped her hands nervously against the steering wheel. She can't believe she is going home. After almost 2 years, she was going to see her friends and family again. 3 minutes after the trial, Ravi had sent her that text. She wasn't sure how to respond, and she just came up with, " How could I forget. " She wanted to jump into her car right then and there, but she wasn't sure if it was safe. Eventually, she couldn't hold herself back anymore, and she just came up with a story she would tell the others. She had hurridly packed her bags. She had received a lot of texts from her friends and family, and she ignored them all. She couldn't reunite over text. It had to be in person. She pulled up to a house she hadn't seen in so long, the Singh's house. She figured that she would reunite with Ravi first. He was there from the beginning and was there until the very end. She had been ignoring his texts, and she felt guilty, but she wanted to say everything in person. She opened the door of her car and stepped out. She walked up to the sidewalk and stopped. She looked up at Ravi's window, and it was closed. She felt her heart racing, and her palms were sweaty. She looked down and saw blood, but then she blinked, and it went away. She still heard the gun and saw the blood sometimes, but it has gotten better. She picked up some small rocks from the sidewalk and threw one up at Ravi's window. Nothing happened, so she threw another one. This time, the blinds opened. Pip didn't even have enough time to get a look at him before the blinds snapped shut. Pip felt her heart break. He didn't even want to look at her. Maybe he texted and then regretted it, or maybe because she ignored his other texts. Suddenly, the door flung open, and Ravi was there. He looked a little older, and his hair was a little longer, but he was still the Ravi from almost 2 years ago. She felt tears come to her eyes, and she choked out, " Hi, Ravi." Suddenly, Ravi was running to her, and she started moving towards him. She ran into his arms, and he squeezed her so hard that she couldn't breathe, but she didn't care. She buried her head into the crook of his neck and started crying softly. She felt that Ravi was shaking, and it broke her even more. They stayed like that for a few minutes, and then she felt Ravi's grip on her loosen, and she pulled back. She looked up and saw that Ravi was crying. Seeing him cry made Pip fall apart. She started sobbing and crying, " I am so, so sorry! I just left you and abandoned you! I tried to protect you, but I was just hurting you! I am a horrible person, and__" She was cut off by Ravi putting his lips against hers. Pip felt everything melt away, and she wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Ravi pulled away first and rested his forehead against hers. He looked at her with his beautiful brown eyes and whispered, " I missed you so much, Sarge." He placed his hand on the side of her face, and Pip leaned into his hand. She whispered, " I missed you too, Ravi. I__" "Pip?" Her and Ravi turned and saw his parents standing in the doorway. Ravi squeezed her elbow to let her know they would talk later and that he loved her. Pip smiled and waved awkwardly, " Hi." Mohan smiled and waved, and Nisha beemed and walked up to Pip. She wrapped her in her arms and said, " Welcome home. " Pip felt her eyes become watery, but she swallowed her tears back and hugged her back. It made her miss her own parents, and she realized that she needed to see them right now. Pip pulled away. Mohan asked, " Do you wanna come inside?" Pip shook her head and said, " No, I need to go see some people. But thank you for offering. " Ravi looked at her as if to ask if he needed to come. Pip shook her head, and he nodded. Pip turned to leave, but then she felt a tug of her wrist. She turned, and Ravi enveloped her in another hug and whispered in her ear, " Call me later, I am here if you need me." Pip whispered back, " thank you. " She pulled away and then gave him one last peck on the cheek and then turned and got into her car. She turned to look one last time, and Ravi and his parents waved. She waved back and then drove off to go to her parents' house.

She pulled up to her parents' house and stepped out. Her heart was racing as she made her way up the driveway. She looked at where the stick figures once were, and she felt a chill go up her spine. She forced herself to look away and remind herself that Jason was dead. She walked up to the door and hesitated. What if her family didn't want to see her or hated her? She pushed those emotions away and knocked on the door. She heard paws against the wood, and her heart lurched. It was just a memory, but it didn't stop, and she heard barking. The door opened, and it was her mom. Her mom put her hand to her mouth and said, " Pip?" Pip felt tears run down her face, and she sobbed, " Hi mom. " Her mom started crying, and she wrapped Pip in her arms. Pip started to sob, and she heard footsteps coming from the hall. They stopped, and she heard," Is that you pickle?" Hearing her old nickname made her cry even more as she looked up at her dad. He might not be her biological father, but he is still her dad. Her mother let her go, and she ran into his arms. She felt paws on her leg, and she smiled and looked down. It was a little golden retriever puppy. She crouches down and starts to pet it. Her dad crouches with her and says, " His name is Barley. Josh missed you and wanted a companion. He came up with the name, and we found out that Barney's sister had puppies and that he was one of them. " Pip looked up at her dad, and she felt her eyes fill. He placed his hand on her cheek and said, " Oh yeah, his nickname is__" " B, come here." Barley took off, and Pip looked up to where the voice came from. She stood up and headed into the living room. Josh was on the couch, watching TV. He looked over, and he froze. He looked older. He stood up. He was taller, too. He glared at Pip, and then he ran around her and up the stairs. She heard a door slam and then the whining and scratching of Barley on the door. Her parents didn't say anything, just looked at each other. Pip said, " Can we have everyone over? I want to explain everything to everyone. " Her mother frowned and said, " Why don't you tell us know and your friends later. " Pip shook her head and said, " No, I have to say it to everyone. " Pips mom crossed her arms but said, " Okay, I respect your decision. But you are going to tell us. " Pip nodded and said, " I have to go tell everyone. " Her mom glared, " No. You can just text them. " Pip looked confused and said, " Why can't I tell them in person?" Her mom replied, " You can't just walk in after almost 2 years and then leave immediately again. " She saw her mom's eyes fill, so she walked over to her and hugged her. " Mom, I promise I am never going to leave you guys like that again. I am so so sorry. I will explain everything. " Her mom sighed and hugged her tightly. " I know you are sorry. It's just that I just got you back. I can't stand you leaving again. " Pip pulled away and said, " Never again. I promise. " Her mom nodded, and her dad rested a hand on her shoulder. Her dad said, " Well, go on then. Dinner will be at 6. " Pip nodded and pecked her parents on their cheeks. She called up to Josh, " by Josh. I love you. I will see you later. " She looked at her parents and said, " I love you guys. " Her parents nodded, and she then she walked outside. She got into her car and saw that Ravi had texted her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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