coming out to a freind

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I don't know when this feeling started but ever since I saw the look in her eyes that day I haven't been able to forget about her. The sadness in her eyes, the dripplets of tears falling down her eyes,her forced smile, i knew she was succumbing to her sadness.

I want to see her smile I need to see her smile a genuine smile though not one that is from sadness, I want to make her smile.please, Toga come back to me..


I pull on my jacket and head outside, this is terrible I can't stop thinking about her, I shouldn't be this is ridiculous she is a villain, I could have feelings for any other girl but why her.."she's evil".

"Who's evil?" A voice behind me interjects "oh deku hi.." I should be liking deku but I don't.. everyone thinks we like each other it's ridiculous he's not my type, I like girls I've known this for as long as I can remember.

I wanted to fit in, and everyone thought I liked him just because I hanged around him and well the fact that he's a guy.

"You okay uraraka?" Deku asked with concern, stepping closer to me *deku, I'm kinda weird" "huh?! What your not weird your amazing,nice,caring, and your hairstyle suits you really well" I give him a confused look "no that's not what i mean" his face deflates "oh then what is it?"

"Have you ever felt.. different.."

"Different as in.."


Deku smiles softly. "Yeah I was quirkless half my life"

"Not that kind of different" I rub my head slightly in frustration, geez how do I say this..what if he's disgusted of me."hey you can tell me whats wrong in always here for a friend" deku notes.

"I like girls" he smiles "me too they're nice?" "Gosh your dumb!" He jumps a bit shielding himself I exhale calming myself "sorry I didn't mean to come off rude..but what I meant is I like girls like, romantically". He looks at me blankly and then starts laughing.

"Are you trying to say I'm weird?" He says cackling "um what?"

"Because if you think being gay is weird it's not, it's normal, and..I am as well.." my eyes widen "wait really?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Yeah there's this boy I have loved since I was a kid, even if I was young I knew I loved him"I smirk "hmm let me guess.. bakugo..?" His eyes widen and he shushes me "how did you know!?,Are you stalking my brain?!" I smile " no but know that I know your gay it all clicks, the fact that he is the only one who can bring the light back into your eyes,and well the fact that you have this awestruck look in your eyes the moment he appears"

"Wow was it really that obvious?"


I start tearing up and try to wipe away the tears  "hey don't cry now.."

"I've never told anyone.."

"Hey I haven't either, but I just needed to tell you cause, I actually thought you liked me,and I'm not Ganna lie it kinda scared me" my eyes widen and I blush

"No! No! I never had! I thought you liked me so that's why I started this conversation! I didn't want your feelings for me to ruin our friendship, but it seems I've misunderstood!" I hide my face in my hands and he starts laughing

"Me? Like you? Your like my little sister!" I smack him on the head and he laughs harder falling on the ground,making my anger go down and start laughing as well, it got so bad I had to hold my stomach"yeah and I thought of you as my little brother!" He wheezes and I almost piss from laughing so hard (I actually have a problem with this lol I laugh to much) "okay okay I gotta chill" I hold out my hand to him and he gets up "but one question.." he nods

"Top or bottom" he blushes madly and furrows his eyebrows in anger
"What kind of question is that!?"

"From that response, I'd say top." He blushes more  "you wanna dominate that Blondies boy bussy huh?" I say smirking "just shut up uraraka and maybe I do! Maybe I wanna Detroit smash that boy bussy, but we're talking about you bitch!"

I laugh "knew it" 

"So who's the lucky girl?" He says wiggling his eyebrows leaning in closer to me.

I blush "uh .she's uh..-"

"C'mon just tell me I told you and embarrassed myself, plus I want to know this before we have to go fight in that war" I look into the lighted soft blue sky and imagine toga in my head feeling my heart flutter "himiko.." his pupils go small "himiko like the villain?" His voice laced with shock.

"Yeah I know it's crazy but if your Ganna judge me just leave I'm not in the mood!" I blurt out

"I'm not judging, just a little shocked ya know..?" I huff "so are you Ganna tell her when you see her again?" He says looking over to me.

"Only if you tell bakugo" I smirk at him and he blushes "yeah I don't think that's Ganna happen..kacchans to good for me,I haven't even thanked him for apologizing, my emotions just get to strong for him and I don't wanna creep him out, plus he probably likes kitishima"

"You two are idiots it's obvious he loves you, he sacrificed himself for you remember?"

"Love is a bit far uraraka! Kacchan was just.."

"Just what? There's no hetero thing about what he did, not to mention he stares at you a lot"  this boy is really starting to get on my nerves with all his excuses., I turn towards him.

"How about we make a agreement? You tell bakugo how you feel when you see him and I'll toga how I feel when I see her."

"What?! But I see kacchans all the time!"

"Well thats not my problem" I pull up my collar of my jacket further up and turn around about to leave, he looks back at me with a scowl.

Time skip

I look out into the night sky as I lay on my pillow waiting for sleep to envelope me, but it's hard when I'm thinking about how I have to go to war the next day, the only thing I'm excited for is seeing Toga, that is if I do see her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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