The Glory of the Saiyans (prolouge)

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" That's the last of them, Vegeta." I say, carrying the final insect-like corpse to add to the massive pile of bodies in front of Vegeta and I. I swear, the smell alone could bring Lord Frieza to his knees and beg for mercy.

"Hurry it up, Nappa. And leave one of them aside, preferably a larger one." Vegeta tells me. I stare at him in confusion.

"What do you want one of these nasty bodies for?" I wonder aloud.

He glares at me in annoyance, the light from the sun glinting off the edge of his bright red scouter.

"Just leave it there, dammit. We've been on this god forsaken rock for at least three days, and I haven't eaten since we got here. I'm starving." he replies.

"Oh! Right. Sorry Vegeta, just curious." I stammer. Vegeta may look small, and he may not be as intimidating as I look (not to brag), but he's probably got more power stored in him than every saiyan on planet Vegeta combined!

That is, if there were saiyans, and a planet Vegeta. Him, that weakling Raditz, his brother, and I were the only ones left, after our planet was destroyed by a rouge meteor.

But still, even with the entirety of the race completely annihilated, our pride remains untouched. One day, I'm sure, we will rise again. Free ourselves from that tyrant Frieza's grip! ONE DAY WE WILL-

"Nappa? Nappa?! NAPPA!!!" Vegeta roars, snapping me out of my monologue.

"What? Who, wha-, oh, uh, sorry Vegeta!" I stutter, quickly snapping to attention. "Just, uh, wondering to myself. "

Vegeta takes off his scouter, glaring at me with that glare he uses to intimidate his foes. By the king, that damn stare creeps me out.

He gives me that smirk, that careless grin that shows everyone that even in the most ridiculous situations, he honestly couldn't care less.

"Nappa, wonder all you want, but I swear, keep it to yourself or I'll blow a hole through your head." He deadpans.

The knot in my throat finally loosens, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, of course Vegeta. Sorry. "

"Whatever. Just keep your thoughts to yourself and try not to bother me. " he grumbles. "I don't have time for you to be spouting off your innermost thoughts to me, Nappa."

"Now gather some firewood. We're going to have to cook this worm up if we want to eat him. They're no good raw" he orders.

"Right. Be right back." I reply

I fly off, looking around for a forest or a jungle, anything I can get some wood from so we can start a fire. It's not that easy, since the planet is basically a barren wasteland of deserts and rocky valleys.

I'm fly around for 10 minutes, at least, before a finally spot a patch of dead trees.

At the same time, my scouter goes off like a rocket, beeping and chirping so suddenly it makes me jump. In midair.

I'm so startled by my scouters sudden activation that I lose control over myself and start plummeting to the ground. I'm able to catch myself before I'm hurt, but what in the hell was that?! The scouter read a power level of more than 1000!

"Alright, what the hell are you?" I grumble. I press the tracking button on my scouter, waiting for the results to pop up. The tracker leads me into the patch of trees, about 100 yards ahead.

I walk towards the wooded area cautiously. There could be anything in there, maybe a warrior from this planet. Certainly no one stronger than us saiyans, though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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