Imma be a basic bitch call this chapter one😘

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They all came home from concert and was going to eat but manger told them two of them had to do an eating live to be less suspicious to the fan. Heeseung and Jay volunteered to do the live meanwhile the others eating

         Dinning room thing idk what it's called
*Jake* Saur Niki who's room you gonna sleep in?  *niki* Wonnie hyungs why? *Jake* I KNEW IT YOU HAVE BEEN SLEEPING IN HIS ROOM THE PAST WEEK something up with you to. *Niki* nothing is up between us it's just wonnie hyung is my fav and he's bed is the best one. *sunghoon* I see how it is 🙄

*niki* please your my second fav *sunghoon* you are forgiven btw you lil shit it's hyung to you. *niki* yea yea *Jake* ya Sunoo how much you wanna bet that Jungwon and Niki gonna start dating soon? *jungwon (chokes on his ramen) fuck you.  *Sunoo* they probably already dating by the looks of it. *Jungwon* what the fuck how? *Sunoo* you have Niki as your right hand man and he sleeps in your room almost every night and you're his fav hyung.  *Niki* fuck you im going to bed. *Jake* ya in your Winnie's room (teasing) *Niki*🖕🖕

*sunghoon* (laughs) I taught him well *jungwon* anyways I'm going to sleep to . *Jake* ya with your lil Riki have fun (teasing) *jungwon* (whips out a knife from nowhere and throws at the wall near Jake) *Jake* where the fuck did you pull that knife from tf ?!!?

*jungwon*(goes up the stairs) *Sunoo* I think he's on his period (laughs) *sunghoon* hes always on his period then (laughing)

           With Wonki
Jungwon enters the room and sees Niki on the bed playing games on his phone, then he gets onto the bed and cuddles Niki and then Niki puts his phone down and cuddles Jungwon back *Niki* your a lil extra cuddly then normal (laughs) *jungwon* shh but is it weird that we cuddle every night but aren't dating ?? *Niki* Idk ( then he falls asleep cuddling Jungwon) *Jungwon* ughh how will I tell Niki that I love him


Hi this is my first book and shit but um hi my arm hurts like a bitch now but yea gn ugh wish I was Riki rn with Jungwon but anyway good night good morning good afternoon 🫶🏽🫶🏽

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