He who goes even further beyond

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"Ara Ara~ Ayanokouji-kun, I never knew you were the type to take advantage of the vulnerable side of women, you're so naughty and cheeky~" Amikura said with a huge grin while drawing circles with her finger in the air.

"Hmph! That's not even my final form!" said Hornykouji taking over the body.

"T-Then w-w-what is your f-f-final f-form?" said Hornykura with a hint of excitement.

"Why don't I show you then?" he said while smirking.






With his earth-shattering cry, the entire school began to shake. Windows began to shatter and the students began running away in panic despite the teachers' best efforts to calm them down.

Giant ripples started to form on the surface of the sea surrounding the school island.

Hornykura stared at the figure of Hornykouji with awe and slight fear as his nether regions began to grow in size until the growing monster ripped apart his pants to gain its freedom.

"I-Impossible, that's i-impossible!! H-How is it s-still growing!?!"


As the monster continued to grow, it started to let out a blinding light which was bright enough for all the school to see.

Everyone in the infirmary were terrified and started to think it all as an awful nightmare. That is, until crazed laughter could be heard from someone...someone beside Hornykouji....someone they would have never expected to hear such laughter from.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Incredible!! Simply Incredible!! HAHAHAHA!!" Ecchinose was laughing with pure joy with her face red at the sight of Hornykouji's monster.

No one had ever seen Ichinose behaving like this, however, their instincts told them that this Ichinose was not their kind-hearted leader but something else, something terrifying, something they were better off not knowing about.

"HAHAHAHA!! Today will be the day!! Today will be the day this world witnesses the truly glory of my master!! Do not dare blink you fools, for this might even be your only time witnessing the true might of my master."

Every single person there was terrified of Ecchinose and they dared not take their eyes off Hornykouji's monster as they feared what Ecchinose could do to them with that crazed look in her eyes.


Meanwhile, Hornykouji's cry seemed to have become more and more hoarse as the monster was close to finally completing its evolution. The light being emitted was gradually increasing and many of Class B students found it impossible to continue looking at Hornykouji without risking being pemanently blinded.

"It's here! Its here! Now see it for yourselves, fools! This is the true might of Hornykouji, who has broken his limits and gone far beyond them!!"



As Hornykouji let out his final cry, the light coming from his monster blinded everyone and suddenly all of them were flinged far back to the walls of the room.

Finally, Hornykouji's cry came to an end.

"THIS. IS THE. SUPER TREX!!" announced Ecchinose while kneeling towards her master to show utmost respect.

Everyone who managed to open their eyes saw a sight they could never forget.

Hornykouji stood there, still emitting some light, with a dong even bigger than himself.

"Now This.....This is when I am at 50% power." said Hornykouji.


So yeah this is my debut as an author, not sure how to feel about this thing above though.

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