Chapter 1: The New Student

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The first bell of the day rang through the hallways of Seoul International High School, signaling the start of another day. Students hurried to their classrooms, chatting about their weekends, upcoming exams, and other teenage preoccupations. In Class 3-A, Yujin settled into her seat, pulling out her textbooks and preparing for the day's lessons. She exchanged smiles and small talk with her friends, her mind preoccupied with the usual worries of a senior in high school.

"Morning, Yujin!" Minjoo chirped as she took her seat next to Yujin. "Did you finish the history assignment?"

"Yeah, I did," Yujin replied with a smile. "Barely slept, but it's done. Mr. Kim is trying to kill us with homework, I swear."

Minjoo laughed, shaking her head. "Tell me about it. I was up until 2 AM finishing that essay. I don't know how much more I can take before I lose my mind."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the classroom door opening. Their homeroom teacher, Ms. Park, walked in, followed by a tall girl with long, dark hair that cascaded down her back. Yujin's heart skipped a beat. She recognized the girl immediately, and a wave of unease washed over her.

"Good morning, everyone," Ms. Park began, her voice cheerful. "I hope you all had a good weekend. We have a new student joining us today. This is Jang Wonyoung. Please make her feel welcome."

Wonyoung's eyes scanned the room until they locked onto Yujin. A small, unsettling smile played on her lips. Yujin felt a shiver run down her spine and quickly looked away, hoping Wonyoung wouldn't approach her.

Ms. Park gestured to an empty seat near the front. "Wonyoung, you can sit there for now. We'll get you a proper seat assignment later."

But Wonyoung had other plans. As soon as Ms. Park finished speaking, Wonyoung made a beeline for the empty seat next to Yujin and sat down. The classroom buzzed with whispers and curious glances as the students observed the interaction.

"Hello, Yujin," Wonyoung said softly, her voice dripping with sweetness that didn't match the cold look in her eyes. "Long time no see."

Yujin forced a smile, trying to keep her voice steady. "Hi, Wonyoung. I didn't know you were transferring here."

"It was a last-minute decision," Wonyoung replied, her eyes never leaving Yujin's face. "I've missed you."

Yujin felt a wave of unease. "It's been a while," she said carefully, not wanting to provoke anything.

Minjoo, sensing the tension, leaned over. "You two know each other?"

"We used to," Wonyoung answered before Yujin could respond. "We were very close."

The bell rang, signaling the start of class, and Ms. Park began the lesson. Yujin tried to focus, but she could feel Wonyoung's eyes on her. The rest of the day passed in a blur, with Wonyoung shadowing her every move. It was as if she had stepped back in time, to a period she had desperately tried to forget.

At lunch, Minjoo and Yuri invited Wonyoung to sit with them, much to Yujin's dismay. Wonyoung charmed them easily, her laughter and bright smile masking the darkness Yujin knew lay beneath. Throughout lunch, Wonyoung's gaze never strayed far from Yujin, a constant reminder of her unsettling presence.

"So, Wonyoung," Minjoo began, "how do you like the school so far?"

"It's wonderful," Wonyoung replied, her smile dazzling. "Everyone has been so welcoming."

"Where did you transfer from?" Yuri asked, genuinely curious.

"A small private school," Wonyoung said, her eyes flickering towards Yujin. "I wanted a change of pace, and I've always heard good things about Seoul International."

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