Chapter 2: The Shadow in the Hall

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One evening, Yujin decided to stay late at school to finish some assignments in the library. She hoped the quiet space would help her concentrate and give her a break from Wonyoung's constant presence. As she worked, the library gradually emptied until she was the only one left. She reveled in the silence, immersing herself in her studies, the steady ticking of the clock the only sound breaking the tranquility.

The tranquility was shattered by the soft sound of footsteps. Yujin looked up, her heart racing. Standing in the doorway was Wonyoung.

"Hey, Yujin," Wonyoung said, her voice echoing in the empty room. "Mind if I join you?"

Yujin swallowed hard. "Actually, I'm just about to leave."

"Perfect timing," Wonyoung replied with a smile. "I'll walk you home."

Yujin packed her things quickly, her mind racing. As they walked through the dark hallways, she tried to think of a way to get away from Wonyoung.

"Wonyoung, why are you following me?" Yujin asked, her voice trembling.

Wonyoung stepped closer, her expression unreadable. "I just want to talk, Yujin. Can't we talk like we used to?"

Yujin shook her head. "We're not the same people we used to be. You need to let go."

A flash of anger crossed Wonyoung's face. "I can't let go, Yujin. I won't. We belong together."

Yujin's fear intensified. "This isn't healthy, Wonyoung. You're scaring me."

Wonyoung's eyes softened for a moment, then hardened again. "If I can't have you, no one can."

Yujin's heart pounded in her chest as she backed away. "What are you saying?"

Before Wonyoung could respond, a teacher walked by, noticing the tension. "Is everything okay here?" the teacher asked, looking between the two girls.

Wonyoung's demeanor shifted instantly. She smiled at the teacher, her voice sweet and innocent. "Everything's fine. We were just having a little disagreement."

The teacher nodded cautiously and walked away, but the interruption had given Yujin a chance to escape. She turned and ran, not stopping until she reached her house, her mind racing with fear and confusion.

That night, Yujin locked her doors and windows, her thoughts consumed by Wonyoung's words. She knew she had to take action, but she wasn't sure how. The next day, she confided in her teacher and the school counselor, who took her concerns seriously and promised to help.

The school administration contacted Wonyoung's parents and arranged for her to see a therapist. They kept a close eye on her, ensuring that she couldn't approach Yujin without supervision.

Despite the school's efforts, the harassment continued. Yujin began receiving anonymous notes. At first, they were innocuous enough-just a few words expressing love and longing. But they quickly grew more disturbing, filled with threats and dark promises. Yujin suspected Wonyoung, but without proof, there was little she could do.

Her friends, especially Minjoo and Yuri, became increasingly concerned. They urged Yujin to go to the police, but she hesitated, unsure of what they could do. She decided to document everything, hoping it would help if things escalated.

One weekend, Yujin's friends convinced her to go on a short trip to the countryside, hoping it would help her relax. The change of scenery did wonders for her mood, and for a few days, she almost forgot about Wonyoung.

But as they returned home, Yujin found another note in her room. This one was different. It wasn't just a threat-it was a detailed description of their trip, with specific details that only someone who had been there could know. Yujin's blood ran cold. Wonyoung had followed them.

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