Ze day to ze beach :D

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So, it was only me and my dad. Melissa didn't wanna go, which I was glad about. And Joanne wasn't home, also Mom was in a salon XD We drove n drove n drove XD Randomly when we were almost there it seemed something happened to the tire XP Some dude fixed it, then we went to the gasoline station to get ze air in the tire =-= Laterz, we made it to Juan Dolio :D I've gone to that beach since I was a tiny lil girl XD I saw a silver fish *^* It looked at me calmly while I flipped out and ze sand was so close to meh feet but I kept kicking XD Df is wrong with me? XD Idk. Like meh sand heart? :3 Eh so cute. Anyway it was nice ^-^ I changed the name to "Jenn's Storytime" because chu know, I'm starting to update in daytime too. So it doesn't really have to be midnight XD

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