12~ The Heart & The Heartbeat

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Jungkook: You're pregnant.

He smiled looking at her with his glossy eyes while she was frozen unable to comprehend what he was saying. Only his smile was visible to her eyes when her eyes turned teary and a tear rolled down her right cheek. She looked down and gently placed hand on her abdomen when more tears fell down.

Y/n: I'm pregnant... We are having a b-baby.

She whispered as she was trying to make herself believe that she was going to be a mother. Jungkook also placed a hand on her hand causing her to look into his eyes which were full of love and admiration. He caressed her cheek before wiping her tears.

Jungkook: We're having a baby... And I'm going to protect you both. We will be a happy family.

He whispered as he attached his forehead with her when she smiled and nodded. Her free hand moved towards his face when she wiped his own tears and smile at him.

Y/n: I'm scared.

Jungkook frowned listening to her words before holding her hands. She looked down as her tears continued to flow down. The fear in her heart was making her sad and miserable which he wanted to take away from her.

Jungkook: Why are you scared, Moon?

Y/n: I don't want our baby to live like we do... I want a simple and perfect life for it where he/she gets the love of both parents. I don't want our baby's life at risk... But my heart is afraid that I will lose it.

Jungkook smiled and caressed her cheek before placing a kiss on her forehead calming her down.

Jungkook: I know Y/n... I also want our baby to be safe and I will do everything to protect you and it. I will make everything right... I promise. We will live happily... I promise that with my whole heart, Y/n.


They all were sitting in the living room laughing and spending a quality time. It's been a long time they sit like this, she was happy to see everyone here. Her eyes met Jungkook who smiled at her and she smiled back as they both were holding hands sitting beside each other.

Jungkook: I want to tell you all something.

He said causing everyone alert as they looked at him with curious eyes when he looked at Y/n who nodded and smiled as her cheeks were a little pink making him chuckle internally but he suppressed it and looked at them who were waiting for him to talk.

Jungkook: Y/n and I are going to have a baby.

He said and met by a silence when they both looked at everyone only to see their shocked faces and soon everyone was shouting in happiness like they have been waiting for this moment making Y/n to hugged Jungkook as he looked at her with happiness and love.


She was looking at herself in the mirror a smile never left her lips as she felt her life going the way she wanted. Everyone she loves is here and the man she wanted to stay with is here for her and now the sign of their love is going to be there soon. She was happy to see the things getting better day by day.

Jungkook: What are you thinking?

She leaned back on his shoulder as he secured her with his warm embrace from behind; she tilted her head and met his loveable gaze making her heart thump loudly and fast. He leaned in her touch as she caressed his cheek.

Y/n: It's like a dream has come true... The dream of a happy family I've always seen.

Jungkook: This is not a dream Y/n, this is our real moment.

Forbidden Love || BOOK 2 || J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now