At Her Window

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Damon enters thru the door in a careless manner and his eyes lock with his bandmates who are already settled into their spots, ready to practice.

"You are late, damon. " Graham states.

Damon sighs in response and almost says something but doesn't.

Alex chuckles, "He's looking for an excuse but can't find one."

Dave joins in and Graham gives his mate a disappointed look.

And instead of defending himself, Damon starts looking around and scanning the vicinity with his eyes. He has someone specific in his mind that he'd love to see right now.

"I'm sorry, won't be late again." Damon walks further in and he keeps searching.

"Lies." Graham comments.

Damon stands next to Dave, "Where's y/n? I thought she'd be here, she loved us last time- when we played popscene"

"She's in the flat, she says she's tired and wants to sleep early but- today is a stormy day. I hope the lights in the flat won't go out. Y/n used to be scared of the darkness as a kid, I don't know if she's scared as an adult too." Dave explains.

Damon nods.

"Why do you smell of schezwan noodles?" Dave asks as he identifies the smell irking from Damon's mouth.

Damon shrugs and in his mind, the encounter he had with y/n plays.

"I had dinner, and that's why I am late!" He says.

"Y/n ordered the same thing! From the chinese shop!" Dave says.

Damon laughs, "erm- Coincidence!Funny that!"

Then the band gathers up together and practice a few songs without any break. It's tiring but the more they practice, the more confident they get in their playing routines before the shows.

Damon sighs and goes to the bathroom in the mean time whilst Dave sits on the sofa. It's finally break time after an hour or so.

Graham and Alex, on the other hand make their way to a private corner of the room and Graham is the one who dragged Alex there.

"What are gonna do? Snog me now?" Alex jokes.

Graham rolls his eyes.

"Piss off, Alex. I brought you here to tell you something!"

"What?" Alex asks.

Graham replies, "You know how y/n is in London now and living with Dave."

"Yeah she moved in with Dave a week ago"

Graham talks over him, "Yeah so as you know me and y/n- we've got history and it's still there! I can feel it!"


"So, don't hit on her. She's off limits, Alex. Don't be a creep to her, okay. I'd appreciate it if you don't talk to her at all, actually." Graham says in a firm voice.

"I'm not a creep-" Alex scoffs.

"Alex! Just don't! Okay?" Graham says with more force.

Alex ends up agreeing, "Okay Graham I wasn't planning to make a move on her anyways! She's all yours, I guess"

"Okay." Graham smiles.

He continues, "Really Alex! I'm serious about y/n, don't mess anything up or else I'll end you." Graham threatens Alex.

"I'm not going to mess anything for gods sake and- yeah? You are serious about her? You haven't even talked to her in years!" Alex replies.

"I know Alex but we've still got it, the chemistry. In no time, we'll be together and I don't want you to wreck that." Graham explains.

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