Seyran and a little mucize

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Ferit: "Seyran, open your eyes, aşkım don't do this to me, nolur! Call an ambulance, nolur"- he continues to cry on her chest.

Orhan: "Tamam oğlum, the ambulance is on the way, sakin ol!"

Ferit: "Sakin olamam baba ya, do something." -"Seyran, aşkım iyi olacaksın tamam mı."

The ambulance came and the Korhan family are also heading to the hospital with their own cars. Ferit is with Seyran in the ambulance and didn't left her hand even for a second. He didn't stopped crying all the way and continued to pray and tell that she's gonna be ok.

When they arrived to the hospital the nurses took Seyran to the emergency. Ferit collapsed on the floor infront of the room. He was crying so bad and he believed that she will be all good, but what Suna had told him was scaring him so much.

All the Korhan family were waiting infront of the emergency,
hours passed and the doctor had finally came out. Ferit immediately went to the doctor all in tears.

Ferit: "Doctor Bey, how is Seyran, iyi mi?- he tell this with low, tired and worried voice.

Doctor: "Seyran hanım is all good, we did not found anything Ilife threatening, she's just placed under stress and she need to rest because it's not good for the child!"

Ferit: " Is she pregnant? - he said confused, happy and shocked at the same time. His eyes were red from crying.

Doctor: "Oh, you didn't know she's 5 weeks pregnant. I'm telling you because I know that you will take care after your wife, she need to rest and don't have to be putted in much stress. There is a chance of misscarage if it continues like that."

Ferit: "Tamam doctor Bey, I'll do everything that is necessary."

All the Korhan and Şanlı family were happy about the news. After the doctor left they moved Seyran to a normal room. They have given medicine to Seyran so the nurses said that she will sleep until the morning. They allowed only 1 person to stay with her. Ferit stayed all night long with her, he didn't left her even for a second.

It's already a morning and Seyran started waking up. When she opened her eyes she saw Ferit sleeping on the chair next to her. She didn't know where she is or what was going on, the only thing she remember is how dizzy she felt and the screaming of her family and husband. She was feeling much better than before, probably because of the medicine. She felt so bad when she saw Ferit like that and felt so gulity that he had to learn about her illness in this way. He slowly started to wake him up...

Seyran: "Ferit, aşkım wake up."

Ferit: "Seyran" - he immediately standed up and went to her. "Aşkım nasılsın iyi misin?"

Seyran: "Evet iyim, Ferit can you please tell me what happened?" - she started to tear up.

Ferit: "You felt dizzy in the dining room and you fainted." - he said more relieved, because it all passed.

In this moment Seyran felt a sharp pain in her stomach

Ferit: "Bebeğim noldu?" - he said worried.

Seyran: " I felt a little pain in my stomach" - she replied.

Ferit: "Actually, there is something that you need to know it's related to the pain."

Seyran started to worried because she knows that she is sick.

Ferit: "We're becoming parents, aşkım you are 5 weeks pregnant!" - he said like the happiest person in the world.

Seyran: " pregnant?" -she said shocked and happy.

Ferit: "Evet bebeğim we will have a mini fıstık." - he started to tear up.

Seyran: "Bu..but the illness, what about it?"- she sid worried.

Ferit: "The doctor said that they didn't found anything Ilife threatening so the illness it's probably not true."

Seyran: "But how, I went to 2 doctors and they said both the same."

Ferit: "I don't know either, we will found out but now the most important thing is this mini fıstık in your womb."

Seyran: " Tamam, but how this all happened and I didn't even understood that I'm actually pregnant?" - she said happily surprised.

Ferit: "Mhmmm....belki de our little heart didn't want you to know that the biggest mucize is going to happend and you will we the happiest woman of the world!"

She started crying because of Ferit's beautiful words. He can't stand her crying so he kissed her on her forehead and she made some space for him to lay down. They cuddled for some time and Seyran felt so safe next to him. They slept for 2 hours and then they woke up because the doctor came to check on Seyran. He told them that they can leave now because there is nothing serious with her.

They left and went home. They went to they're room, it was still morning so Seyran either Ferit had eaten so they decided to go to the kitchen and made themselves breakfast.

They made traditional Turkish breakfast and went to their room. Seyran was eating so much although she is carrying a soul inside of her. Ferit admired his wife and was happy that she is here happy and healthy.

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