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ten years after


There was a lot of media standing at the airport. The focus of everyone's cameras was towards the main entrance. It seemed as if the entire media was eagerly waiting for someone.

Just then many bodyguards come from the entrance. And stand in line nearby. After some time, a man steps out of the entrance. His black leather shoes are the first thing to be seen.

There is a stir in the media as soon as the man is seen. Reporter looking towards the camera says

Camera men - Finally everyone's wait is over. And he returned to India. As per sources the Tahir singhaniya has returned to India after ten years.

 As per sources the Tahir singhaniya has returned to India after ten years

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Here, Tahir said to his assistant Piyush,

Tahir - I do not want media disturbance, Piyush. This all just blows my mind. Just handle all this.

After speaking, Tahir goes and sits in his car.

Piyush stops at the same airport and starts handling the media. The driver starts the car.

 The driver starts the car

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