Back at Hogwarts

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The Great Hall of Hogwarts buzzed with anticipation. The enchanted ceiling, charmed to reflect the sky outside, revealed a pastel sunset, casting a warm glow over the students who had returned for a new school year. Harry Potter sat at the Gryffindor table, his eyes scanning the room.

As Headmistress McGonagall rose from her seat to address the students, Harry's gaze lingered on the Slytherin table. Among the familiar faces was Pansy Parkinson. Her hair was shorter now, cut in a sharp bob, and her eyes held shadows that were all too familiar. Their eyes met, locked onto each other for only a brief moment before past animosities and the uncertainty of the present seemed to push them apart.

"Welcome back," McGonagall's voice rang out, strong and reassuring. "This year is about rebuilding—not just our castle, but our community and our trust in each other."

Harry's thoughts wandered as McGonagall spoke. Can everything really be rebuilt? His gaze flickered back to Pansy, who sat with her head held high but her shoulders tense. Was she thinking the same thing?

Later, as the hall emptied and students headed to their common rooms, Harry found himself lingering behind. Just as he turned to leave, he spotted Pansy heading towards the exit. She paused, sensing his eyes on her, and seemed to steel herself before continuing.

"Pansy," Harry called out impulsively, his voice echoing slightly in the emptying hall.

Pansy stopped in her tracks and turned around, her expression unreadable. It took a heartbeat before her eyes met Harry's, gray meeting green, each filled with emotions they weren't entirely ready to face.

"What do you want, Potter?" Pansy's voice was guarded, her words carrying an edge.

Harry hesitated, feeling a sudden wave of uncertainty. "I just...," he started, then sighed, raking a hand through his unruly hair. "I wanted to talk. Things have changed, and maybe we should too."

Pansy raised an eyebrow, folding her arms across her chest. "Changed? Is that what you call this? Nothing has changed, Harry Potter. You're still the hero, and I'm still the girl who tried to betray everyone."

His first name on her lips took him by surprise more than anything. Harry took a step closer. "It's more complicated than that, Pansy. We're all trying to figure things out, but that's why we came back, isn't it?"

Pansy's shoulders sagged slightly. "You think it's that simple? That because we fought together at the end, everyone should just forgive and forget?" Her voice dropped, taking on a softer note, almost as though she was asking herself more than Harry. "Do you really think it's possible for people like me to be redeemed?"

Harry's gaze softened. "I don't know, Pansy. But if we don't try, what's the point of any of this? Everyone deserves a second chance."

Pansy's eyes flickered with something akin to hope, but it was quickly smothered by skepticism and fear. "What's your angle, Potter? Why approach me? Is it pity?"

Harry shook his head. "No, it's not pity. It's just a chance... for both of us. To see if we can understand each other."

A silence settled over them, broken only by the distant chatter of students filtering out of the hall. The tension was only broken when Pansy uncrossed her arms and took a hesitant step towards Harry.

"I don't have all the answers, Harry," she admitted quietly. "But maybe you're right. Maybe we should try."

Harry smiled, a small gesture, but genuine. "Maybe we should."

Pansy glanced around the now nearly empty Great Hall, then back at Harry. "The library," she said softly. "It's always quiet this time of night. We can talk there without any interruptions."

Harry nodded. "Alright, let's go."

They walked side by side, their footsteps echoing through the corridors. The once-bustling halls now felt like a ghost of their former selves, the recent war still casting a long shadow over the castle.

When they finally reached the library, Pansy led the way to a secluded corner, tucked away from prying eyes. They settled into two opposite armchairs, a small table between them. For a moment, neither spoke, the silence heavy but not entirely uncomfortable.

"You know, I used to come here to escape," Pansy said, breaking the silence. She looked around, a wistful smile tugging at her lips. "To get away from everyone, the...pressure."

Harry leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I can understand that - the need to get away from everything and everyone."

Pansy nodded, her eyes meeting his. "I guess we're more alike than we thought, Potter."

Harry chuckled softly. "Maybe. But it doesn't mean it's easy to change how people see us or how we see ourselves."

"No, it doesn't," Pansy agreed. "But we're here, and we can start by changing how we see each other."

Harry's gaze held hers, the sincerity in his eyes matching her own. "Then let's start. Why did you really come back to Hogwarts, Pansy?"

She sighed, looking down at her hands. "I needed to prove to myself that I'm more than my mistakes. I wanted a second chance, away from the war, away from... everything." She glanced up. "And you?"

Harry leaned back, his expression thoughtful. "I came back to finish what I started, to find some normalcy. Maybe even to forgive myself for everything that happened."

Harry looked away for a moment, and when he faced her again, Pansy reached out, her hand hovering over the table. "Then maybe we can help each other."

Harry stretched his hand out, closing the gap. Their fingertips brushed before he clasped her hand gently in his. "Maybe we can."

The quiet embrace of the library seemed to hold its breath as the two sat there, hearts and hands now intertwined.

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