Chapter 3 - Making Friends

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Just in Love

Chapter 3- Making Friends

             I was glad when class was done. I was walking to my new home excited for the rest of the weekend. I was walking down the street when my purse started to vibrate. I was surprised because no one has my new number but Lau and my grandparents. I stopped when I reached the sidewalk and opened my bag searching for my phone. I pulled and saw the name Marc Bartra on the screen. I had completely forgotten that I talked to him today. I started to remember all of the feelings I had earlier today when I saw him.

             “Hello.” I said answering the call. I didn’t know what to expect at all.

             “Hello, how was class?” Marc asked and I decided to continued walking. Hearing his voice on the phone was way different that talking to him in person.

             “Boring,” I said laughing. “I hope the class gets better.”

             “At the beginning all classes are boring.” He said and I could hear him laughing. I was reaching my new flat when the next words Marc said took me by surprise. “What are you doing tonight?”

             “well, I have a date.” I said trying to make a joke. “with my couch and a research paper, but if you have better plans I can cancel it.” Marc started laughing along with me and I really hoped I just made him smile.

             “I don’t want your couch to get mad at me for canceling your date,” He chuckled and then continued to talk. “But a couple of my friends were going out tonight. I’m going and I was wondering if you wanted to join us since you are new in town and you can make new friends.” I was surprised by his invitation. I was standing in front of my building wondering what to say. I just got to talk to him today and he is inviting me to go hang out with him.

             “Sure,” I said surprising myself. I am not usually like this, but it’s Marc and it seems he really wanted to hang out with me. I was smiling without realizing it and inside I felt extremely happy. “I just got back to my flat, when and where are we meeting up at?” I asked opening the door to my building.

             “at around 8, I’ll pick you up.” He said and I was biting the inside of my lip.

             “Sure,” I told him where I lived and we hung up soon after.

             I am going to admit that I was freaking out. I didn’t know what to wear or what to expect for tonight. I arrived at my flat and left my books on the kitchen counter. I sat down on my pink couch with  my laptop and started doing research for my class. Time went by relatively slow and it was making me go mad. I decided to take a shower and get ready just to kill time.

             The warm water felt great against my skin. It calmed my nerves a bit. I wasn’t even looking for any kind of relationship and along came Marc Bartra. I don’t want distractions and I don’t want to fall in love. I just had to stop myself before I fall madly in love with him. That is what I usually do, meet a guy and fall in love with him without even getting to know him. Usually I end up with a broken heart and finding it impossible to put the pieces back together alone.

             I walk out of the bathroom and headed to my room. I grab one of the skirts from my closet and put it on.  I also put a pink V neck shirt to show off my cleavage. I wanted to show off a bit but not too much. I started putting on my makeup when I got a text from Marc telling me he was on her way. I smiled at my phone and finished getting ready.

             I ended up leaving my dark hair in loose waves and put on a light shade of pink lipstick. I was fixing my hair when the phone rang. I knew it was Marc but I thought I might have some fun with this.

             “Who is it?” I asked but knew it was Marc.

             “It’s Marc.” Marc said and I started to giggle. I opened the building door for him and told him I was just finishing getting ready and that he can come right up. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he knocked on the door.

             “It’s open.” I said putting on my favorite pair of pumps. “You have to be completely honest, okay?” I said before I walked out.

             “Okay, I will.” He said and I really hoped I won’t die when I see him.

             “Am I over dressed?” I said walking out of my bedroom. He looked at me completely surprised. I liked the way he looked. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a nice shirt. He looked amazing to me and the smile on his face was taking my breath away.

             “No, you look perfect.” Marc said pulling me close and greeting me. I was surprised that he greeted me that way.

             “Thank you.” I said switching bags. “Let’s go.” I said and we headed out.

             His friends were really nice to me. First we went to a restaurant and ate. The food was amazing and I was surprised at how friendly they all are. They told me about really cool clubs and the places people our age usually hang out in. I really can’t say how amazing Marc is. He asked me if I wa having a great time and if I wanted anything. He made sure that I didn’t feel left out in the conversations. I tried my best to not look into his eyes because when I do I become stupid.

             Marc took me home a bit late. I was feeling exhausted and wanted to get to bed. I was looking out into the city while listening to the radio. My hair was now pulled into a messy bun and had taken my shoes off for now. I turned to look at Marc who was focused on the road.

             “Marc...” I started to say and continued when he turned to look at me. “I had a great time, thank you for inviting me.” I said with a warm smile. I was happy that I was actually making new friends and even more when one of my new friends was Marc Bartra.

             “actually, thank you for coming.” Marc said with smiling. “You are really interesting girl,” He said with a light chuckle. Marc pulled up in front of my building. We got out of the car and he even waited for me to put my shoes on and walked with me to the building door.

             “We should do this again.” I said pulling him into a hug.

             “We should.” Marc said kissing my cheek. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” He said and I watched as his car disappear.

             I walked back to my flat and excited about the things coming up ahead in my life. I am making new friends and I am actually getting to know my family here. I actually feel like I am home.

Just In Love. ~*~ A Marc Bartra Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now