Rebuilding Bridges

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**Nanon’s POV**

The days following Ohm's unexpected visit were a whirlwind of emotion. Every time I saw him, it felt like a reopening of old wounds. Yet, there was also a tiny flicker of hope, an almost imperceptible light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.

Ohm was relentless in his efforts to rebuild our friendship. He showed up at my place regularly, bringing food, cracking jokes, and sometimes just sitting quietly, offering silent support. I remained guarded, wary of letting him too close, but Chimon’s encouragement to give Ohm a chance weighed heavily on my mind.

**Flashback: Six Months Earlier**

The industry buzzed with excitement as a new series featuring Ohm and another rising star was announced. I watched from the sidelines, my heart aching with a mixture of pride and pain. Ohm was flourishing, yet our friendship was in shambles.

One evening, as I was scrolling through social media, a message from Ohm popped up: *"Can we meet? I really need to talk to you."* My first instinct was to ignore it, but curiosity and unresolved feelings got the better of me.

We met at a small café, one we used to frequent during our earlier days in the industry. The familiarity of the place added a layer of nostalgia, making the situation even more bittersweet.

Ohm arrived, looking tense and guarded. He barely acknowledged me as he sat down, his eyes avoiding mine. There was none of the warmth that used to define our interactions.

He opened with a sigh. "Nanon, I think it's time we clear the air."

I felt a pang of hurt but masked it with indifference. "Alright, Ohm. What do you want to say?"

His voice was cold, almost dismissive. "Look, I didn’t know how to handle what you told me. It was awkward, okay? I wasn’t ready to deal with something like that."

I swallowed hard, trying to keep my emotions in check. "It wasn’t just something, Ohm. It was my feelings. You were my best friend, and I trusted you."

He shrugged, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "And I didn’t ask for that. You put me in a difficult position. I have my own career to think about."

His words felt like a slap in the face. I bit my lip, fighting back tears. "So, that’s it? My feelings were just an inconvenience to you?"

Ohm leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "I didn't say that. But I have to look out for myself. I can't be dragged down by your issues."

The café felt suffocating. I wanted to scream, to lash out at him, but all I could do was stand up, my voice trembling. "You were my best friend, Ohm. I needed you, and you left. That’s something I’ll never forget."

Without waiting for his response, I walked out, my heart shattered. That night, the weight of betrayal and loneliness felt unbearable.

**Present Day**

Ohm’s efforts to earn my trust were relentless. He respected my boundaries, never pushing too hard, but always making his presence known. He helped around my apartment, ran errands, and even brought me gifts—small tokens that reminded me of our shared memories.

One evening, Chimon, Ohm, and I decided to have a movie night. It felt almost like old times, with the three of us bantering and laughing. There was a moment during the movie when I glanced over at Ohm. He was watching me, his eyes filled with a mixture of hope and longing.

After the movie, Chimon excused himself, leaving Ohm and me alone. The silence was comfortable, a stark contrast to the tension that usually accompanied our interactions.

"Nanon," Ohm began softly, "I know things will never be the same as they were. But I'm hoping we can create something new, something better."

I looked at him, my heart conflicted. "It’s not easy, Ohm. Every time I see you, I remember the pain. But I also remember the good times, the laughter, the friendship."

He nodded, his eyes never leaving mine. "I understand. And I’m here for as long as it takes. I want to rebuild our trust, step by step."

In that moment, I felt a shift. It was a small one, but significant. Maybe, just maybe, we could find our way back to each other. It wouldn't be easy, and it would take time, but for the first time in a long while, I felt a glimmer of hope.

As Ohm reached out and took my hand, I didn’t pull away. Instead, I squeezed it gently, a silent promise of a possible future. Together, we would face the challenges ahead, one step at a time, rebuilding the bridge that had once connected our hearts.

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